This repository has been archived, since the package has moved to a new repository.
LightGBM.jl provides a high-performance Julia interface for Microsoft's LightGBM. The packages adds several convenience features, including automated cross-validation and exhaustive search procedures, and automatically converts all LightGBM parameters that refer to indices (e.g. categorical_feature) from Julia's one-based indices to C's zero-based indices. All major operating systems (Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X) are supported.
Install the latest version of LightGBM by following the installation steps on: ( Note that because LightGBM's C API is still under development, Upstream changes can lead to temporary incompatibilities between this package and the latest LightGBM master. To avoid this, you can build against Allardvm/LightGBM, which contains the latest LightGBM version that has been confirmed to work with this package.
Then add the package to Julia with:
To use the package, set the environment variable LIGHTGBM_PATH to point to the LightGBM directory prior to loading LightGBM.jl. This can be done for the duration of a single Julia session with:
To test the package, first set the environment variable LIGHTGBM_PATH and then call:
using LightGBM
# Load LightGBM's binary classification example.
binary_test = readdlm(ENV["LIGHTGBM_PATH"] * "/examples/binary_classification/binary.test", '\t')
binary_train = readdlm(ENV["LIGHTGBM_PATH"] * "/examples/binary_classification/binary.train", '\t')
X_train = binary_train[:, 2:end]
y_train = binary_train[:, 1]
X_test = binary_test[:, 2:end]
y_test = binary_test[:, 1]
# Create an estimator with the desired parameters—leave other parameters at the default values.
estimator = LGBMBinary(num_iterations = 100,
learning_rate = .1,
early_stopping_round = 5,
feature_fraction = .8,
bagging_fraction = .9,
bagging_freq = 1,
num_leaves = 1000,
metric = ["auc", "binary_logloss"])
# Fit the estimator on the training data and return its scores for the test data.
fit(estimator, X_train, y_train, (X_test, y_test))
# Predict arbitrary data with the estimator.
predict(estimator, X_train)
# Cross-validate using a two-fold cross-validation iterable providing training indices.
splits = (collect(1:3500), collect(3501:7000))
cv(estimator, X_train, y_train, splits)
# Exhaustive search on an iterable containing all combinations of learning_rate ∈ {.1, .2} and
# bagging_fraction ∈ {.8, .9}
params = [Dict(:learning_rate => learning_rate,
:bagging_fraction => bagging_fraction) for
learning_rate in (.1, .2),
bagging_fraction in (.8, .9)]
search_cv(estimator, X_train, y_train, splits, params)
# Save and load the fitted model.
filename = pwd() * "/finished.model"
savemodel(estimator, filename)
loadmodel(estimator, filename)
Fit the estimator
with features data X
and label y
using the X-y pairs in test
validation sets.
Return a dictionary with an entry for each validation set. Each entry of the dictionary is another
dictionary with an entry for each validation metric in the estimator
. Each of these entries is an
array that holds the validation metric's value at each evaluation of the metric.
: the estimator to be fit.X::Matrix{TX<:Real}
: the features data.y::Vector{Ty<:Real}
: the labels.test::Tuple{Matrix{TX},Vector{Ty}}...
: optionally contains one or more tuples of X-y pairs of the same types asX
that should be used as validation sets.verbosity::Integer
: keyword argument that controls LightGBM's verbosity.< 0
for fatal logs only,0
includes warning logs,1
includes info logs, and> 1
includes debug logs.is_row_major::Bool
: keyword argument that indicates whether or notX
is row-major.true
indicates that it is row-major,false
indicates that it is column-major (Julia's default).weights::Vector{Tw<:Real}
: the training weights.init_score::Vector{Ti<:Real}
: the init scores.
Return an array with the labels that the estimator
predicts for features data X
: the estimator to use in the prediction.X::Matrix{T<:Real}
: the features data.predict_type::Integer
: keyword argument that controls the prediction type.0
for normal scores with transform (if needed),1
for raw scores,2
for leaf indices.num_iterations::Integer
: keyword argument that sets the number of iterations of the model to use in the prediction.< 0
for all iterations.verbosity::Integer
: keyword argument that controls LightGBM's verbosity.< 0
for fatal logs only,0
includes warning logs,1
includes info logs, and> 1
includes debug logs.is_row_major::Bool
: keyword argument that indicates whether or notX
is row-major.true
indicates that it is row-major,false
indicates that it is column-major (Julia's default).
Cross-validate the estimator
with features data X
and label y
. The iterable splits
vectors of indices for the training dataset. The remaining indices are used to create the
validation dataset.
Return a dictionary with an entry for the validation dataset and, if the parameter
is set in the estimator
, an entry for the training dataset. Each entry of
the dictionary is another dictionary with an entry for each validation metric in the estimator
Each of these entries is an array that holds the validation metric's value for each dataset, at the
last valid iteration.
: the estimator to be fit.X::Matrix{TX<:Real}
: the features data.y::Vector{Ty<:Real}
: the labels.splits
: the iterable providing arrays of indices for the training dataset.verbosity::Integer
: keyword argument that controls LightGBM's verbosity.< 0
for fatal logs only,0
includes warning logs,1
includes info logs, and> 1
includes debug logs.
Exhaustive search over the specified sets of parameter values for the estimator
with features
data X
and label y
. The iterable splits
provides vectors of indices for the training dataset.
The remaining indices are used to create the validation dataset.
Return an array with a tuple for each set of parameters value, where the first entry is a set of
parameter values and the second entry the cross-validation outcome of those values. This outcome is
a dictionary with an entry for the validation dataset and, if the parameter is_training_metric
set in the estimator
, an entry for the training dataset. Each entry of the dictionary is
another dictionary with an entry for each validation metric in the estimator
. Each of these
entries is an array that holds the validation metric's value for each dataset, at the last valid
: the estimator to be fit.X::Matrix{TX<:Real}
: the features data.y::Vector{Ty<:Real}
: the labels.splits
: the iterable providing arrays of indices for the training dataset.params
: the iterable providing dictionaries of pairs of parameters (Symbols) and values to configure theestimator
: keyword argument that controls LightGBM's verbosity.< 0
for fatal logs only,0
includes warning logs,1
includes info logs, and> 1
includes debug logs.
Save the fitted model in estimator
as filename
: the estimator to use in the prediction.filename::String
: the name of the file to save the model in.num_iteration::Integer
: keyword argument that sets the number of iterations of the model that should be saved.< 0
for all iterations.
Load the fitted model filename
into estimator
. Note that this only loads the fitted model—not
the parameters or data of the estimator whose model was saved as filename
: the estimator to use in the prediction.filename::String
: the name of the file that contains the model.
LGBMRegression(; [num_iterations = 10,
learning_rate = .1,
num_leaves = 127,
max_depth = -1,
tree_learner = "serial",
num_threads = Sys.CPU_CORES,
histogram_pool_size = -1.,
min_data_in_leaf = 100,
min_sum_hessian_in_leaf = 10.,
feature_fraction = 1.,
feature_fraction_seed = 2,
bagging_fraction = 1.,
bagging_freq = 0,
bagging_seed = 3,
early_stopping_round = 0,
max_bin = 255,
data_random_seed = 1,
init_score = "",
is_sparse = true,
save_binary = false,
is_unbalance = false,
metric = ["l2"],
metric_freq = 1,
is_training_metric = false,
ndcg_at = Int[],
num_machines = 1,
local_listen_port = 12400,
time_out = 120,
machine_list_file = ""])
Return an LGBMRegression estimator.
LGBMBinary(; [num_iterations = 10,
learning_rate = .1,
num_leaves = 127,
max_depth = -1,
tree_learner = "serial",
num_threads = Sys.CPU_CORES,
histogram_pool_size = -1.,
min_data_in_leaf = 100,
min_sum_hessian_in_leaf = 10.,
feature_fraction = 1.,
feature_fraction_seed = 2,
bagging_fraction = 1.,
bagging_freq = 0,
bagging_seed = 3,
early_stopping_round = 0,
max_bin = 255,
data_random_seed = 1,
init_score = "",
is_sparse = true,
save_binary = false,
sigmoid = 1.,
is_unbalance = false,
metric = ["binary_logloss"],
metric_freq = 1,
is_training_metric = false,
ndcg_at = Int[],
num_machines = 1,
local_listen_port = 12400,
time_out = 120,
machine_list_file = ""])
Return an LGBMBinary estimator.
LGBMMulticlass(; [num_iterations = 10,
learning_rate = .1,
num_leaves = 127,
max_depth = -1,
tree_learner = "serial",
num_threads = Sys.CPU_CORES,
histogram_pool_size = -1.,
min_data_in_leaf = 100,
min_sum_hessian_in_leaf = 10.,
feature_fraction = 1.,
feature_fraction_seed = 2,
bagging_fraction = 1.,
bagging_freq = 0,
bagging_seed = 3,
early_stopping_round = 0,
max_bin = 255,
data_random_seed = 1,
init_score = "",
is_sparse = true,
save_binary = false,
is_unbalance = false,
metric = ["multi_logloss"],
metric_freq = 1,
is_training_metric = false,
ndcg_at = Int[],
num_machines = 1,
local_listen_port = 12400,
time_out = 120,
machine_list_file = "",
num_class = 1])
Return an LGBMMulticlass estimator.