Clone this repository.
Navigate into the project directory
Create a new virtual environment and activate it:
$ python -m venv venv $ source ./venv/bin/activate
Install the Python package requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Install the Node modules requirements:
$ cd frontend $ npm install
(Optional) Make a copy of the example environment variables file:
$ cp .env.example .env
(Optional, only required if you're downloading the dataset from HuggingFace or need to process the dataset) Add your HuggingFace Hub Access key to the newly created
file. Also add your OpenAI API key to the.env
file for GPT-4 cluster summary generation.
Instead of processing the data yourself, you can use our already processed data in the frontend/data/proc
Run the server from within project folder:
$ cd backend $ python backend/server.py
You will see the Flask server running at port 8000. This is used for real-time sentiment analysis, because the csv files are already too big to add a new field.
Run the application:
$ cd frontend $ npm run dev
You will see your application running at port 3000.