# Copyright The containerd Authors. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Go command to use for build GO ?= go INSTALL ?= install # Root directory of the project (absolute path). ROOTDIR=$(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) # Base path used to install. # The files will be installed under `$(DESTDIR)/$(PREFIX)`. # The convention of `DESTDIR` was changed in containerd v1.6. PREFIX ?= /usr/local BINDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/bin DATADIR ?= $(PREFIX)/share DOCDIR ?= $(DATADIR)/doc MANDIR ?= $(DATADIR)/man TEST_IMAGE_LIST ?= # Used to populate variables in version package. VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --match 'v[0-9]*' --dirty='.m' --always) REVISION ?= $(shell git rev-parse HEAD)$(shell if ! git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code; then echo .m; fi) PACKAGE=github.com/containerd/containerd SHIM_CGO_ENABLED ?= 0 ifneq "$(strip $(shell command -v $(GO) 2>/dev/null))" "" GOOS ?= $(shell $(GO) env GOOS) GOARCH ?= $(shell $(GO) env GOARCH) else ifeq ($(GOOS),) # approximate GOOS for the platform if we don't have Go and GOOS isn't # set. We leave GOARCH unset, so that may need to be fixed. ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) GOOS = windows else UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux) GOOS = linux endif ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) GOOS = darwin endif ifeq ($(UNAME_S),FreeBSD) GOOS = freebsd endif endif else GOOS ?= $$GOOS GOARCH ?= $$GOARCH endif endif ifndef GODEBUG EXTRA_LDFLAGS += -s -w DEBUG_GO_GCFLAGS := DEBUG_TAGS := else DEBUG_GO_GCFLAGS := -gcflags=all="-N -l" DEBUG_TAGS := static_build endif WHALE = "🇩" ONI = "👹" RELEASE=containerd-$(VERSION:v%=%)-${GOOS}-${GOARCH} STATICRELEASE=containerd-static-$(VERSION:v%=%)-${GOOS}-${GOARCH} CRIRELEASE=cri-containerd-$(VERSION:v%=%)-${GOOS}-${GOARCH} CRICNIRELEASE=cri-containerd-cni-$(VERSION:v%=%)-${GOOS}-${GOARCH} PKG=github.com/containerd/containerd/v2 # Project binaries. COMMANDS=ctr containerd containerd-stress MANPAGES=ctr.8 containerd.8 containerd-config.8 containerd-config.toml.5 ifdef BUILDTAGS GO_BUILDTAGS = ${BUILDTAGS} endif GO_BUILDTAGS ?= GO_BUILDTAGS += urfave_cli_no_docs GO_BUILDTAGS += ${DEBUG_TAGS} ifneq ($(STATIC),) GO_BUILDTAGS += osusergo netgo static_build endif GO_TAGS=$(if $(GO_BUILDTAGS),-tags "$(strip $(GO_BUILDTAGS))",) GO_LDFLAGS=-ldflags '-X $(PKG)/version.Version=$(VERSION) -X $(PKG)/version.Revision=$(REVISION) -X $(PKG)/version.Package=$(PACKAGE) $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS) ifneq ($(STATIC),) GO_LDFLAGS += -extldflags "-static" endif GO_LDFLAGS+=' SHIM_GO_LDFLAGS=-ldflags '-X $(PKG)/version.Version=$(VERSION) -X $(PKG)/version.Revision=$(REVISION) -X $(PKG)/version.Package=$(PACKAGE) -extldflags "-static" $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS)' # Project packages. PACKAGES=$(shell $(GO) list ${GO_TAGS} ./... | grep -v /vendor/ | grep -v /integration) API_PACKAGES=$(shell (cd api && $(GO) list ${GO_TAGS} ./... | grep -v /vendor/ | grep -v /integration)) NON_API_PACKAGES=$(shell $(GO) list ${GO_TAGS} ./... | grep -v /vendor/ | grep -v /integration | grep -v "containerd/api") TEST_REQUIRES_ROOT_PACKAGES=$(filter \ ${PACKAGES}, \ $(shell \ for f in $$(git grep -l testutil.RequiresRoot | grep -v Makefile); do \ d="$$(dirname $$f)"; \ [ "$$d" = "." ] && echo "${PKG}" && continue; \ echo "${PKG}/$$d"; \ done | sort -u) \ ) ifdef SKIPTESTS PACKAGES:=$(filter-out ${SKIPTESTS},${PACKAGES}) TEST_REQUIRES_ROOT_PACKAGES:=$(filter-out ${SKIPTESTS},${TEST_REQUIRES_ROOT_PACKAGES}) endif #Replaces ":" (*nix), ";" (windows) with newline for easy parsing GOPATHS=$(shell $(GO) env GOPATH | tr ":" "\n" | tr ";" "\n") TESTFLAGS_RACE= GO_BUILD_FLAGS ?= # See Golang issue re: '-trimpath': https://github.com/golang/go/issues/13809 GO_GCFLAGS=$(shell \ set -- ${GOPATHS}; \ echo "-gcflags=-trimpath=$${1}/src"; \ ) BINARIES=$(addprefix bin/,$(COMMANDS)) #include platform specific makefile -include Makefile.$(GOOS) # Flags passed to `go test` TESTFLAGS ?= $(TESTFLAGS_RACE) $(EXTRA_TESTFLAGS) TESTFLAGS_PARALLEL ?= 8 # Use this to replace `go test` with, for instance, `gotestsum` GOTEST ?= $(GO) test OUTPUTDIR = $(join $(ROOTDIR), _output) CRIDIR=$(OUTPUTDIR)/cri .PHONY: clean all AUTHORS build binaries test integration generate protos check-protos coverage ci check help install uninstall vendor release static-release mandir install-man install-doc genman install-cri-deps cri-release cri-cni-release cri-integration install-deps bin/cri-integration.test .DEFAULT: default # Forcibly set the default goal to all, in case an include above brought in a rule definition. .DEFAULT_GOAL := all all: binaries check: proto-fmt ## run all linters @echo "$(WHALE) $@" GOGC=75 golangci-lint run ci: check binaries check-protos coverage coverage-integration ## to be used by the CI AUTHORS: .mailmap .git/HEAD git log --format='%aN <%aE>' | sort -fu > $@ generate: protos @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @PATH="${ROOTDIR}/bin:${PATH}" $(GO) generate -x ${PACKAGES} protos: bin/protoc-gen-go-fieldpath @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @find . -path ./vendor -prune -false -o -name '*.pb.go' | xargs rm $(eval TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d)) @mv ${ROOTDIR}/vendor ${TMPDIR} @(cd ${ROOTDIR}/api && PATH="${ROOTDIR}/bin:${PATH}" protobuild --quiet ${API_PACKAGES}) @(PATH="${ROOTDIR}/bin:${PATH}" protobuild --quiet ${NON_API_PACKAGES}) find v2 -name '*.pb.go' -exec sh -c 'f={}; mkdir -p $$(dirname "$${f#v2/}"); echo mv $$f $${f#v2/}; mv $$f $${f#v2/}' \; @mv ${TMPDIR}/vendor ${ROOTDIR} @rm -rf ${TMPDIR} v2 go-fix-acronym -w -a '(Id|Io|Uuid|Os)$$' $(shell find api/ core/runtime/ -name '*.pb.go') check-protos: protos ## check if protobufs needs to be generated again @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @test -z "$$(git status --short | grep ".pb.go" | tee /dev/stderr)" || \ ((git diff | cat) && \ (echo "$(ONI) please run 'make protos' when making changes to proto files" && false)) check-api-descriptors: protos ## check that protobuf changes aren't present. @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @test -z "$$(git status --short | grep ".pb.txt" | tee /dev/stderr)" || \ ((git diff $$(find . -name '*.pb.txt') | cat) && \ (echo "$(ONI) please run 'make protos' when making changes to proto files and check-in the generated descriptor file changes" && false)) proto-fmt: ## check format of proto files @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @test -z "$$(find . -path ./vendor -prune -o -path ./protobuf/google/rpc -prune -o -name '*.proto' -type f -exec grep -Hn -e "^ " {} \; | tee /dev/stderr)" || \ (echo "$(ONI) please indent proto files with tabs only" && false) build: ## build the go packages @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @$(GO) build ${DEBUG_GO_GCFLAGS} ${GO_GCFLAGS} ${GO_BUILD_FLAGS} ${EXTRA_FLAGS} ${GO_LDFLAGS} ${PACKAGES} test: ## run tests, except integration tests and tests that require root @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @$(GOTEST) ${TESTFLAGS} ${PACKAGES} root-test: ## run tests, except integration tests @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @$(GOTEST) ${TESTFLAGS} ${TEST_REQUIRES_ROOT_PACKAGES} -test.root integration: ## run integration tests @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @cd "${ROOTDIR}/integration/client" && $(GO) mod download && $(GOTEST) -v ${TESTFLAGS} -test.root -parallel ${TESTFLAGS_PARALLEL} . # TODO integrate cri integration bucket with coverage bin/cri-integration.test: @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @$(GO) test -c ./integration -o bin/cri-integration.test cri-integration: binaries bin/cri-integration.test ## run cri integration tests (example: FOCUS=TestContainerListStats make cri-integration) @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @bash ./script/test/cri-integration.sh @rm -rf bin/cri-integration.test # build runc shimv2 with failpoint control, only used by integration test bin/containerd-shim-runc-fp-v1: integration/failpoint/cmd/containerd-shim-runc-fp-v1 FORCE @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @CGO_ENABLED=${SHIM_CGO_ENABLED} $(GO) build ${GO_BUILD_FLAGS} -o $@ ${SHIM_GO_LDFLAGS} ${GO_TAGS} ./integration/failpoint/cmd/containerd-shim-runc-fp-v1 # build CNI bridge plugin wrapper with failpoint support, only used by integration test bin/cni-bridge-fp: integration/failpoint/cmd/cni-bridge-fp FORCE @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @$(GO) build ${GO_BUILD_FLAGS} -o $@ ./integration/failpoint/cmd/cni-bridge-fp # build runc-fp as runc wrapper to support failpoint, only used by integration test bin/runc-fp: integration/failpoint/cmd/runc-fp FORCE @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @$(GO) build ${GO_BUILD_FLAGS} -o $@ ./integration/failpoint/cmd/runc-fp benchmark: ## run benchmarks tests @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @$(GO) test ${TESTFLAGS} -bench . -run Benchmark -test.root FORCE: define BUILD_BINARY @echo "$(WHALE) $@" $(GO) build ${DEBUG_GO_GCFLAGS} ${GO_GCFLAGS} ${GO_BUILD_FLAGS} -o $@ ${GO_LDFLAGS} ${GO_TAGS} ./$< endef # Build a binary from a cmd. bin/%: cmd/% FORCE $(call BUILD_BINARY) # gen-manpages must not have the urfave_cli_no_docs build-tag set bin/gen-manpages: cmd/gen-manpages FORCE @echo "$(WHALE) $@" $(GO) build ${DEBUG_GO_GCFLAGS} ${GO_GCFLAGS} ${GO_BUILD_FLAGS} -o $@ ${GO_LDFLAGS} $(subst urfave_cli_no_docs,,${GO_TAGS}) ./cmd/gen-manpages bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2: cmd/containerd-shim-runc-v2 FORCE # set !cgo and omit pie for a static shim build: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/17789#issuecomment-258542220 @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @CGO_ENABLED=${SHIM_CGO_ENABLED} $(GO) build ${GO_BUILD_FLAGS} -o $@ ${SHIM_GO_LDFLAGS} ${GO_TAGS} ./cmd/containerd-shim-runc-v2 binaries: $(BINARIES) ## build binaries @echo "$(WHALE) $@" man: mandir $(addprefix man/,$(MANPAGES)) @echo "$(WHALE) $@" mandir: @mkdir -p man # Kept for backwards compatibility genman: man/containerd.8 man/ctr.8 man/containerd.8: bin/gen-manpages FORCE @echo "$(WHALE) $@" $< $(@F) $(@D) man/ctr.8: bin/gen-manpages FORCE @echo "$(WHALE) $@" $< $(@F) $(@D) man/%: docs/man/%.md FORCE @echo "$(WHALE) $@" go-md2man -in "$<" -out "$@" define installmanpage $(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man$(2); gzip -c $(1) >$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man$(2)/$(3).gz; endef install-man: man @echo "$(WHALE) $@" $(foreach manpage,$(addprefix man/,$(MANPAGES)), $(call installmanpage,$(manpage),$(subst .,,$(suffix $(manpage))),$(notdir $(manpage)))) install-doc: @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(DOCDIR)/containerd @cp -R docs/* $(DESTDIR)/$(DOCDIR)/containerd define pack_release @rm -rf releases/$(1) releases/$(1).tar.gz @$(INSTALL) -d releases/$(1)/bin @$(INSTALL) $(BINARIES) releases/$(1)/bin @tar -czf releases/$(1).tar.gz -C releases/$(1) bin @rm -rf releases/$(1) endef releases/$(RELEASE).tar.gz: $(BINARIES) @echo "$(WHALE) $@" $(call pack_release,$(RELEASE)) release: releases/$(RELEASE).tar.gz @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @cd releases && sha256sum $(RELEASE).tar.gz >$(RELEASE).tar.gz.sha256sum releases/$(STATICRELEASE).tar.gz: ifeq ($(GOOS),linux) @make STATIC=1 $(BINARIES) @echo "$(WHALE) $@" $(call pack_release,$(STATICRELEASE)) else @echo "Skipping $(STATICRELEASE) for $(GOOS)" endif static-release: releases/$(STATICRELEASE).tar.gz ifeq ($(GOOS),linux) @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @cd releases && sha256sum $(STATICRELEASE).tar.gz >$(STATICRELEASE).tar.gz.sha256sum else @echo "Skipping releasing $(STATICRELEASE) for $(GOOS)" endif # install of cri deps into release output directory ifeq ($(GOOS),windows) install-cri-deps: $(BINARIES) $(INSTALL) -d $(CRIDIR) DESTDIR=$(CRIDIR) script/setup/install-cni-windows cp bin/* $(CRIDIR) else install-cri-deps: $(BINARIES) @rm -rf ${CRIDIR} @$(INSTALL) -d ${CRIDIR}/usr/local/bin @$(INSTALL) -D -m 755 bin/* ${CRIDIR}/usr/local/bin @$(INSTALL) -d ${CRIDIR}/opt/containerd/cluster @cp -r contrib/gce ${CRIDIR}/opt/containerd/cluster/ @$(INSTALL) -d ${CRIDIR}/etc/systemd/system @$(INSTALL) -m 644 containerd.service ${CRIDIR}/etc/systemd/system echo "CONTAINERD_VERSION: '$(VERSION:v%=%)'" | tee ${CRIDIR}/opt/containerd/cluster/version DESTDIR=$(CRIDIR) script/setup/install-runc DESTDIR=$(CRIDIR) script/setup/install-cni DESTDIR=$(CRIDIR) script/setup/install-critools DESTDIR=$(CRIDIR) script/setup/install-imgcrypt @$(INSTALL) -d $(CRIDIR)/bin @$(INSTALL) $(BINARIES) $(CRIDIR)/bin endif $(CRIDIR)/cri-containerd.DEPRECATED.txt: @mkdir -p $(CRIDIR) @$(INSTALL) -m 644 releases/cri-containerd.DEPRECATED.txt $@ ifeq ($(GOOS),windows) releases/$(CRIRELEASE).tar.gz: install-cri-deps $(CRIDIR)/cri-containerd.DEPRECATED.txt @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @cd $(CRIDIR) && tar -czf ../../releases/$(CRIRELEASE).tar.gz * releases/$(CRICNIRELEASE).tar.gz: install-cri-deps $(CRIDIR)/cri-containerd.DEPRECATED.txt @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @cd $(CRIDIR) && tar -czf ../../releases/$(CRICNIRELEASE).tar.gz * else releases/$(CRIRELEASE).tar.gz: install-cri-deps $(CRIDIR)/cri-containerd.DEPRECATED.txt @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @tar -czf releases/$(CRIRELEASE).tar.gz -C $(CRIDIR) cri-containerd.DEPRECATED.txt etc/crictl.yaml etc/systemd usr opt/containerd releases/$(CRICNIRELEASE).tar.gz: install-cri-deps $(CRIDIR)/cri-containerd.DEPRECATED.txt @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @tar -czf releases/$(CRICNIRELEASE).tar.gz -C $(CRIDIR) cri-containerd.DEPRECATED.txt etc usr opt endif cri-release: releases/$(CRIRELEASE).tar.gz ## Deprecated (only kept for external CI) @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @cd releases && sha256sum $(CRIRELEASE).tar.gz >$(CRIRELEASE).tar.gz.sha256sum && ln -sf $(CRIRELEASE).tar.gz cri-containerd.tar.gz cri-cni-release: releases/$(CRICNIRELEASE).tar.gz ## Deprecated (only kept for external CI) @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @cd releases && sha256sum $(CRICNIRELEASE).tar.gz >$(CRICNIRELEASE).tar.gz.sha256sum && ln -sf $(CRICNIRELEASE).tar.gz cri-cni-containerd.tar.gz clean: ## clean up binaries @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @rm -f $(BINARIES) @rm -f releases/*.tar.gz* @rm -rf $(OUTPUTDIR) @rm -rf bin/cri-integration.test clean-test: ## clean up debris from previously failed tests @echo "$(WHALE) $@" $(eval containers=$(shell find /run/containerd/runc -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 3 -type d -exec basename {} \;)) $(shell pidof containerd runc | xargs -r -n 1 kill -9) @( for container in $(containers); do \ grep $$container /proc/self/mountinfo | while read -r mountpoint; do \ umount $$(echo $$mountpoint | awk '{print $$5}'); \ done; \ find /sys/fs/cgroup -name $$container -print0 | xargs -r -0 rmdir; \ done ) @rm -rf /run/containerd/runc/* @rm -rf /run/containerd/fifo/* @rm -rf /run/containerd-test/* @rm -rf bin/cri-integration.test @rm -rf bin/cni-bridge-fp @rm -rf bin/containerd-shim-runc-fp-v1 install: ## install binaries @echo "$(WHALE) $@ $(BINARIES)" @$(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) @$(INSTALL) $(BINARIES) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) uninstall: @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @rm -f $(addprefix $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/,$(notdir $(BINARIES))) ifeq ($(GOOS),windows) install-deps: script/setup/install-critools script/setup/install-cni-windows else install-deps: ## install cri dependencies script/setup/install-seccomp script/setup/install-runc script/setup/install-critools script/setup/install-cni endif coverage: ## generate coverprofiles from the unit tests, except tests that require root @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @rm -f coverage.txt @$(GO) test -i ${TESTFLAGS} ${PACKAGES} 2> /dev/null @( for pkg in ${PACKAGES}; do \ $(GO) test ${TESTFLAGS} \ -cover \ -coverprofile=profile.out \ -covermode=atomic $$pkg || exit; \ if [ -f profile.out ]; then \ cat profile.out >> coverage.txt; \ rm profile.out; \ fi; \ done ) root-coverage: ## generate coverage profiles for unit tests that require root @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @$(GO) test -i ${TESTFLAGS} ${TEST_REQUIRES_ROOT_PACKAGES} 2> /dev/null @( for pkg in ${TEST_REQUIRES_ROOT_PACKAGES}; do \ $(GO) test ${TESTFLAGS} \ -cover \ -coverprofile=profile.out \ -covermode=atomic $$pkg -test.root || exit; \ if [ -f profile.out ]; then \ cat profile.out >> coverage.txt; \ rm profile.out; \ fi; \ done ) vendor: ## ensure all the go.mod/go.sum files are up-to-date including vendor/ directory @echo "$(WHALE) $@" @$(GO) mod tidy @$(GO) mod vendor @$(GO) mod verify #@(cd ${ROOTDIR}/integration/client && ${GO} mod tidy) verify-vendor: ## verify if all the go.mod/go.sum files are up-to-date @echo "$(WHALE) $@" $(eval TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d)) @cp -R ${ROOTDIR} ${TMPDIR} @(cd ${TMPDIR}/containerd && ${GO} mod tidy) @(cd ${TMPDIR}/containerd/integration/client && ${GO} mod tidy) @diff -r -u -q ${ROOTDIR} ${TMPDIR}/containerd @rm -rf ${TMPDIR} #@${ROOTDIR}/script/verify-go-modules.sh integration/client help: ## this help @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## / {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort