Zsh is an awesome shell with the extensive plugin collection
Oh My Zsh.
You can install it using the install_zsh.sh
zsh-autocomplete, zsh-autosuggestions and zsh-syntax-highlighting:
Installation of the Powerlevel10k theme:
first download all the
MesloLGS theme files
and set it as your default terminal font.
Then run the install_zsh.sh
script if you haven't yet run iiiit.
With stderred you can get stderr displayed in red.
# On a multiarch system you may need gcc-multilib as well.
sudo apt install build-essential cmake
# This can be run in a directory of your choice, but my .zshrc presumes that this is located in $HOME/Git.
git clone git://github.com/sickill/stderred.git
cd stderred
make 32
make 64
Much of these configuration files is based on the ones by Alpi Tolvanen. Big thanks to him for introducing me to zsh!