# use colors in the output add_definitions(-DCONFIG_USE_COLORS) # use the bytell hash table implementation add_definitions(-DUSE_BYTELL) # determined by space a virion occupies - diameter 0.1 microns, a cube is 5 microns across add_definitions(-DMAX_VIRIONS=125000) add_definitions(-DMIN_VIRIONS=1e-10) # if defined, partition into blocks. This should increase locality, but at the cost of load balance add_definitions(-DBLOCK_PARTITION) # the minimum number of blocks per process - too few and the load balance will be really poor #add_definitions(-DMIN_BLOCKS_PER_PROC=100) add_definitions(-DMIN_BLOCKS_PER_PROC=1) # compute average across subsambple block/square instead of just taking the first point add_definitions(-DAVERAGE_SUBSAMPLE)