.PHONY: install build dev test clean .FORCE: ; # This is to disable check for new release in aw-webui for aw-android ifdef ON_ANDROID # The following flag will pass --android as a command line argument to vue-cli-service # https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/run-script androidflag := -- --os=android else androidflag := endif build: install npm run build ${androidflag} install: npm ci uninstall: rm -r node_modules/ dev: npm run serve ${androidflag} test: npm test test-e2e: npx testcafe firefox test/e2e/ -s takeOnFails=true clean: rm -rf node_modules dist lint: npx eslint --ext=js,ts,vue --max-warnings=0 src/ test/ lint-fix: npx eslint --ext=js,ts,vue --fix src/ test/