# The ID of your GitHub App APP_ID=1234 WEBHOOK_SECRET=sample_password # Use `trace` to get verbose logging or `info` to show less LOG_LEVEL=debug # Go to https://smee.io/new and set this to the URL that you are redirected to. WEBHOOK_PROXY_URL=https://smee.io/example_url # This is provided by GitHub when creating a new GitHub app. # Please remove this field when copying the contents of this file # to .env file. PRIVATE_KEY=example_private_key # Details of the Gmail account. This is required to access the Spreadsheet. CLIENT_SECRET=None CREDENTIALS=None # Details of the Spreadsheet used for CLA checking. SHEETS_API_CREDENTIALS=None SPREADSHEET_ID=None # This variable is used to put the first run of the scheduler on a random delay. DISABLE_DELAY=true # This variable is used to specify the GitHub accounts for which the app functions. WHITELISTED_ACCOUNTS=comma,separated,list