The previous version of the ompl_planning.yaml
contained many other parameters. Currently we don't have expertize with the OMPL algorithm and we don't know why the newer version is so simplified.
An investigation on the OMPL algo should be made to fully understand what we can control with the configuration file.
The previous version of the file:
type: geometric::SBL
range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
type: geometric::EST
range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0 setup()
goal_bias: 0.05 # When close to goal select goal, with this probability. default: 0.05
type: geometric::LBKPIECE
range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
border_fraction: 0.9 # Fraction of time focused on boarder default: 0.9
min_valid_path_fraction: 0.5 # Accept partially valid moves above fraction. default: 0.5
type: geometric::BKPIECE
range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
border_fraction: 0.9 # Fraction of time focused on boarder default: 0.9
failed_expansion_score_factor: 0.5 # When extending motion fails, scale score by factor. default: 0.5
min_valid_path_fraction: 0.5 # Accept partially valid moves above fraction. default: 0.5
type: geometric::KPIECE
range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
goal_bias: 0.05 # When close to goal select goal, with this probability. default: 0.05
border_fraction: 0.9 # Fraction of time focused on boarder default: 0.9 (0.0,1.]
failed_expansion_score_factor: 0.5 # When extending motion fails, scale score by factor. default: 0.5
min_valid_path_fraction: 0.5 # Accept partially valid moves above fraction. default: 0.5
type: geometric::RRT
range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
goal_bias: 0.05 # When close to goal select goal, with this probability? default: 0.05
type: geometric::RRTConnect
range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
type: geometric::RRTstar
range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
goal_bias: 0.05 # When close to goal select goal, with this probability? default: 0.05
delay_collision_checking: 1 # Stop collision checking as soon as C-free parent found. default 1
type: geometric::TRRT
range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
goal_bias: 0.05 # When close to goal select goal, with this probability? default: 0.05
max_states_failed: 10 # when to start increasing temp. default: 10
temp_change_factor: 2.0 # how much to increase or decrease temp. default: 2.0
min_temperature: 10e-10 # lower limit of temp change. default: 10e-10
init_temperature: 10e-6 # initial temperature. default: 10e-6
frountier_threshold: 0.0 # dist new state to nearest neighbor to disqualify as frontier. default: 0.0 set in setup()
frountierNodeRatio: 0.1 # 1/10, or 1 nonfrontier for every 10 frontier. default: 0.1
k_constant: 0.0 # value used to normalize expression. default: 0.0 set in setup()
type: geometric::PRM
max_nearest_neighbors: 10 # use k nearest neighbors. default: 10
type: geometric::PRMstar
- SBLkConfigDefault
- ESTkConfigDefault
- LBKPIECEkConfigDefault
- BKPIECEkConfigDefault
- KPIECEkConfigDefault
- RRTkConfigDefault
- RRTConnectkConfigDefault
- RRTstarkConfigDefault
- TRRTkConfigDefault
- PRMkConfigDefault
- PRMstarkConfigDefault
##Note: commenting the following line lets moveit chose RRTConnect as default planner rather than LBKPIECE
#projection_evaluator: joints(shoulder_pan_joint,shoulder_lift_joint)
longest_valid_segment_fraction: 0.01