The simulation of sentry in RoboMaster 2023/2024 season based on gazebo, autonomous_exploration_development_environment, far_planner
- CPU:4800h
- GPU 2060
- RAM: 16G
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04
- ROS: noetic
Some files in autonomous_exploration_development_environment
, far_planner
package are modified, therefore, I recommend that using noetic
as your ROS version and cloning from my repo directly. Because I added collison attribute for the robot and used different controller, which is different from the original version of the autonomous_exploration_development_environment.
sudo apt-get install xterm
sudo apt install libusb-dev
cd ~
mkdir ws_sentry_sim
cd ws_sentry_sim
mkdir src
cd src
git clone
cd ..
cd ws_sentry_sim
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch sentry_gazebo startup_rmuc.launch
- CMU-autonomous_exploration_development_environment
- CMU-FAR-planner
- KDRobot_RM2023Sentry_Navigation
- Hbut_LC_sentry
When lidar are not able to scan the ground below the cliff, the system would grant cliff passable. It could be solved by set "noDataObstacle" to true.