LaZagne 0.71 (04/06/2015) - Only Linux * Wifi password module from WPA Supplicant implemented (by rpesche) LaZagne 0.7 (29/05/2015) - For Windows / Linux * Fix mozilla bug (special characters were not printed) LaZagne 0.6 (26/05/2015) - For Windows / Linux * Firefox / Thunderbird: No more dependency with nss library (many thanks to Laurent Clevy for its awesome technic: * Fix opera bug - Only Windows * WinSCP false positive removed (when SSH key is used) LaZagne 0.5 (21/05/2015) - For Windows * Fix chrome bug LaZagne 0.5 (20/05/2015) - For Windows / Linux * 2 levels of verbosity added for debugs * try / except more verbose depending on the verbosity levels * dico file moved from browsers to config repository (used for dictionary attack) * new Filezilla versions managed - Only Windows * check weak passwords (logins equal to password) for windows account when hashes (nthash) have been found * function to write the output modified on windows module * WConio replaced by colorama for the window color * Skype: try a dictionary attack (500 famous password) when the hash has been retrieved LaZagne 0.4 (12/05/2015) - For Linux * Kwallet module implemented (by quentin hardy) LaZagne 0.4 (05/05/2015) - For Windows * Fix ie bugs * Fix thunderbird bug LaZagne 0.3 (30/04/2015) - For Windows * Flexibility on the code: much more easy to add modules * Passwords found previously are used to test firefox masterpassword if set - For Linux * Flexibility on the code: much more easy to add modules * Passwords found previously are used to test firefox masterpassword if set * 2 different standalones (32 bits / 64 bits) LaZagne 0.2 (27/04/2015) - For Windows * New modules: Windows hashes + LSA Secrets * Passwords found previously are used to test windows hashes and firefox masterpassword * 500 most famous passwords are used to retrieve the windows password (once we get the hashes) * Wifi bug fixed: only one password was printed * I.E bug fixed