Docker Implementation of a Vagrant/Vbox setup for CodePath
For Mac OSX
- Using the installer at this link installs all the components necessary for this exercise.
- Ensure python3 is installed if the usage of modifyCompose CLI app is desired.
For Windows
- The installer at this link includes all the necessary components.
- Ensure python3 is installed if the usage of modifyCompose CLI app is desired.
For Linux Distros
- Follow the distro specific instructions for the Docker Engine and for Docker Compose.
- There is no GUI included for Linux, and if needed install Portainer, an open source application which can help view and manage containers.
- Ensure python3 is installed if the usage of modifyCompose CLI app is desired.
Build the image for Kali and make a folder to bind to the Wordpress container
- Windows has build kit enabled by default on newer installs, in such cases the env var
can be skipped. - Install the latest python3 to use the wordpress version change CLI App.
git clone
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker compose build
mkdir wpFolder
docker compose up -d ID=$(docker ps -a | grep kaliCP | gawk '{print $1}') && docker exec -it $ID bash
On Windows the second command changes to
cmd.exe /c "for /F `"tokens=1`" %a in ('docker ps -a ^| findstr kaliCP') do docker exec -it %a bash"
Second command opens a terminal with root privileges on Kali Linux and has the same network accessibility as the host machine.
Both on the host machine and on the Kali terminal, the WordPress website is accessible at http://localhost:8080
Note to self: xargs doesn't work with docker exec since it doesn't allocate a tty for the piped input, thus usage of a shell variable is necessary.
to exit the Kali bash shell and to shutdown all running containers use,docker compose down
This command removes all the containers and the network created. All named volumes are retained and they provide persistence.
For changing WordPress versions, use the script, usage is as follows Install the requirements file for python3 before proceeding
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Modify Compose File. Usage: [--wordpress=<ver>] [--wpPort=<port>] (-h | --help) (-v | --version) (--listWpVer) Options: -h --help Show this screen. -v --version Show version. --wordpress=<ver> Wordpress version to use [default: latest]. --wpPort=<port> Port at which the Wordpress website is served [default: 8080]. --listWpVer List Wordpress versions available.
- To change the version use (replace 4.1.0 with the version needed) and follow the prompts.
python3 --wordpress=4.1.0
- To change the port at which WP is served use and follow the prompts.
python3 --wpPort=8080
- To list the WP versions available on Docker Hub.
python3 --listWpVer
- To return the version to latest and port mapping to default and follow the prompts.
- To change the version use (replace 4.1.0 with the version needed) and follow the prompts.
When changing the version of WordPress, the db name volume needs to be removed and then the folder, 'wpFolder' should be emptied using -
WordPress version can be changed by editing the docker-compose.yml file, and the tag for WordPress image -
WordPress Time Machine - Recreating Image Upload Vuln. in WP 4.1
For WordPress to create a correct bind-mount, ensure that the folder containing its compose file has a directory named 'wpFolder'
- Link 1
- ... Add others ...
NOTE: Tick off as done [ ] -> [x]
Create a
MakefileCLI App to clean the wpFolder and remove the named volume whenever the user wishes (i.e. allowing easy change of WP versions) -
Cross-Platform compatibility ~ Testing on Windows
Testing Lab from Week 8 - Metasploit on Kali.
Push image to Docker Hub and reduce build times on user end. Specifically the Kali image since it is static once built.
Instructions for localhost:8080 to be mapped to a hostname, links for ideas (might require reverse-proxying with nginx?)
A more robust networking interface between Kali and WordPress (i.e. Kali doesn't need host networking as it does now) or use a docker dns proxy, links for ideas and caveats.