# Learn about the various environment variables at # https://www.chatwoot.com/docs/self-hosted/configuration/environment-variables/#rails-production-variables # Used to verify the integrity of signed cookies. so ensure a secure value is set # SECRET_KEY_BASE should be alphanumeric. Avoid special characters or symbols. # Use `rake secret` to generate this variable SECRET_KEY_BASE=replace_with_lengthy_secure_hex # Replace with the URL you are planning to use for your app FRONTEND_URL= # To use a dedicated URL for help center pages # HELPCENTER_URL= # If the variable is set, all non-authenticated pages would fallback to the default locale. # Whenever a new account is created, the default language will be DEFAULT_LOCALE instead of en # DEFAULT_LOCALE=en # If you plan to use CDN for your assets, set Asset CDN Host ASSET_CDN_HOST= # Force all access to the app over SSL, default is set to false FORCE_SSL=false # This lets you control new sign ups on your chatwoot installation # true : default option, allows sign ups # false : disables all the end points related to sign ups # api_only: disables the UI for signup, but you can create sign ups via the account apis ENABLE_ACCOUNT_SIGNUP=false # Redis config # specify the configs via single URL or individual variables # ref: https://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/prov/redis # You can also use the following format for the URL: redis://:password@host:port/db_number REDIS_URL=redis://redis:6379 # If you are using docker-compose, set this variable's value to be any string, # which will be the password for the redis service running inside the docker-compose # to make it secure REDIS_PASSWORD= # Redis Sentinel can be used by passing list of sentinel host and ports e,g. sentinel_host1:port1,sentinel_host2:port2 REDIS_SENTINELS= # Redis sentinel master name is required when using sentinel, default value is "mymaster". # You can find list of master using "SENTINEL masters" command REDIS_SENTINEL_MASTER_NAME= # By default Chatwoot will pass REDIS_PASSWORD as the password value for sentinels # Use the following environment variable to customize passwords for sentinels. # Use empty string if sentinels are configured with out passwords # REDIS_SENTINEL_PASSWORD= # Redis premium breakage in heroku fix # enable the following configuration # ref: https://github.com/chatwoot/chatwoot/issues/2420 # REDIS_OPENSSL_VERIFY_MODE=none # Postgres Database config variables # You can leave POSTGRES_DATABASE blank. The default name of # the database in the production environment is chatwoot_production # POSTGRES_DATABASE= POSTGRES_HOST=postgres POSTGRES_USERNAME=postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD= RAILS_ENV=development # Changes the Postgres query timeout limit. The default is 14 seconds. Modify only when required. # POSTGRES_STATEMENT_TIMEOUT=14s RAILS_MAX_THREADS=5 # The email from which all outgoing emails are sent # could user either `email@yourdomain.com` or `BrandName ` MAILER_SENDER_EMAIL=Chatwoot #SMTP domain key is set up for HELO checking SMTP_DOMAIN=chatwoot.com # Set the value to "mailhog" if using docker-compose for development environments, # Set the value as "localhost" or your SMTP address in other environments # If SMTP_ADDRESS is empty, Chatwoot would try to use sendmail(postfix) SMTP_ADDRESS= SMTP_PORT=1025 SMTP_USERNAME= SMTP_PASSWORD= # plain,login,cram_md5 SMTP_AUTHENTICATION= SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTO=true # Can be: 'none', 'peer', 'client_once', 'fail_if_no_peer_cert', see http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionMailer/Base.html SMTP_OPENSSL_VERIFY_MODE=peer # Comment out the following environment variables if required by your SMTP server # SMTP_TLS= # SMTP_SSL= # SMTP_OPEN_TIMEOUT # SMTP_READ_TIMEOUT # Mail Incoming # This is the domain set for the reply emails when conversation continuity is enabled MAILER_INBOUND_EMAIL_DOMAIN= # Set this to the appropriate ingress channel with regards to incoming emails # Possible values are : # relay for Exim, Postfix, Qmail # mailgun for Mailgun # mandrill for Mandrill # postmark for Postmark # sendgrid for Sendgrid RAILS_INBOUND_EMAIL_SERVICE= # Use one of the following based on the email ingress service # Ref: https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/action_mailbox_basics.html # Set this to a password of your choice and use it in the Inbound webhook RAILS_INBOUND_EMAIL_PASSWORD= MAILGUN_INGRESS_SIGNING_KEY= MANDRILL_INGRESS_API_KEY= # Creating Your Inbound Webhook Instructions for Postmark and Sendgrid: # Inbound webhook URL format: # https://actionmailbox:[YOUR_RAILS_INBOUND_EMAIL_PASSWORD]@[YOUR_CHATWOOT_DOMAIN.COM]/rails/action_mailbox/[RAILS_INBOUND_EMAIL_SERVICE]/inbound_emails # Note: Replace the values inside the brackets; do not include the brackets themselves. # Example: https://actionmailbox:mYRandomPassword3@chatwoot.example.com/rails/action_mailbox/postmark/inbound_emails # For Postmark # Ensure the 'Include raw email content in JSON payload' checkbox is selected in the inbound webhook section. # Storage ACTIVE_STORAGE_SERVICE=local # Amazon S3 # documentation: https://www.chatwoot.com/docs/configuring-s3-bucket-as-cloud-storage S3_BUCKET_NAME= AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= AWS_REGION= # Log settings # Disable if you want to write logs to a file RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT=true LOG_LEVEL=info LOG_SIZE=500 # Configure this environment variable if you want to use lograge instead of rails logger #LOGRAGE_ENABLED=true ### This environment variables are only required if you are setting up social media channels # Facebook # documentation: https://www.chatwoot.com/docs/facebook-setup FB_VERIFY_TOKEN= FB_APP_SECRET= FB_APP_ID= # https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/instagram/get-started#app-dashboard IG_VERIFY_TOKEN= # Twitter # documentation: https://www.chatwoot.com/docs/twitter-app-setup TWITTER_APP_ID= TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY= TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET= TWITTER_ENVIRONMENT= #slack integration SLACK_CLIENT_ID= SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET= # Google OAuth GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID= GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET= GOOGLE_OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL= ### Change this env variable only if you are using a custom build mobile app ## Mobile app env variables IOS_APP_ID=L7YLMN4634.com.chatwoot.app ANDROID_BUNDLE_ID=com.chatwoot.app # https://developers.google.com/android/guides/client-auth (use keytool to print the fingerprint in the first section) ANDROID_SHA256_CERT_FINGERPRINT=AC:73:8E:DE:EB:56:EA:CC:10:87:02:A7:65:37:7B:38:D4:5D:D4:53:F8:3B:FB:D3:C6:28:64:1D:AA:08:1E:D8 ### Smart App Banner # https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariWebContent/PromotingAppswithAppBanners/PromotingAppswithAppBanners.html # You can find your app-id in https://itunesconnect.apple.com #IOS_APP_IDENTIFIER=1495796682 ## Push Notification ## generate a new key value here : https://d3v.one/vapid-key-generator/ # VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY= # VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY= # # for mobile apps # FCM_SERVER_KEY= ### APM and Error Monitoring configurations ## Elastic APM ## https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/apm/agent/ruby/current/getting-started-rails.html # ELASTIC_APM_SERVER_URL= # ELASTIC_APM_SECRET_TOKEN= ## Sentry # SENTRY_DSN= ## Scout ## https://scoutapm.com/docs/ruby/configuration # SCOUT_KEY=YOURKEY # SCOUT_NAME=YOURAPPNAME (Production) # SCOUT_MONITOR=true ## NewRelic # https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/agents/ruby-agent/configuration/ruby-agent-configuration/ # NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY= # Set this to true to allow newrelic apm to send logs. # This is turned off by default. # NEW_RELIC_APPLICATION_LOGGING_ENABLED= ## Datadog ## https://github.com/DataDog/dd-trace-rb/blob/master/docs/GettingStarted.md#environment-variables # DD_TRACE_AGENT_URL= # MaxMindDB API key to download GeoLite2 City database # IP_LOOKUP_API_KEY= ## Rack Attack configuration ## To prevent and throttle abusive requests # ENABLE_RACK_ATTACK=true # RACK_ATTACK_LIMIT=300 # ENABLE_RACK_ATTACK_WIDGET_API=true ## Running chatwoot as an API only server ## setting this value to true will disable the frontend dashboard endpoints # CW_API_ONLY_SERVER=false ## Development Only Config # if you want to use letter_opener for local emails # LETTER_OPENER=true # meant to be used in github codespaces # WEBPACKER_DEV_SERVER_PUBLIC= # If you want to use official mobile app, # the notifications would be relayed via a Chatwoot server ENABLE_PUSH_RELAY_SERVER=true # Stripe API key STRIPE_SECRET_KEY= STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET= # Set to true if you want to upload files to cloud storage using the signed url # Make sure to follow https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/active_storage_overview.html#cross-origin-resource-sharing-cors-configuration on the cloud storage after setting this to true. DIRECT_UPLOADS_ENABLED= #MS OAUTH creds AZURE_APP_ID= AZURE_APP_SECRET= ## Advanced configurations ## Change these values to fine tune performance # control the concurrency setting of sidekiq # SIDEKIQ_CONCURRENCY=10 # AI powered features ## OpenAI key # OPENAI_API_KEY= # Housekeeping/Performance related configurations # Set to true if you want to remove stale contact inboxes # contact_inboxes with no conversation older than 90 days will be removed # REMOVE_STALE_CONTACT_INBOX_JOB_STATUS=false