The pFL-Bench is a comprehensive benchmark for personalized Federated Learning (pFL), which contains more than 10 diverse datasets, 20 competitive pFL baselines, and systematic evaluation with highlighted benefits and potential of pFL. See more details in our paper.
This repository includes the experimental data, environments, scripts and codes of pFL-Bench. We welcome contributions of new pFL methods and datasets to keep pFL-Bench up-to-date and to evolve it! See more details about contribution here.
NOTICE: We are working on seamlessly and consistently fusing the new features in pFL-Bench into the FederatedScope. However, since the underling package FederatedScope is still being continuously and actively updated, the results can be a little different to the ones in our paper. To fully reproduce the experimental results reported in the paper, please use the code versioned by this branch on which the experiments were conducted at the time.
All the experimental data can be automatically downloaded and processed via FederatedScope from the original public data links.
In case the slow or blocked internet connection prevents your downloading, we also provide a public mirror with aliyun.
You can download the pre-processed datasets from our public mirror and unzip them in data
directory under your project root.
If you use other customized data directory, please replace the value of data.root
in the scripts accordingly.
The experiments are conducted on the federatedscope-torch1.8-application docker image, you can build it using the Dockfile. If you do not want to use docker, you can also install the required package according to the steps depicted in the Dockfile.
We also provide a built docker image, you can download it and creat your image as
docker load < federatedscope_cuda10_torch18_app.tar & docker tag 188b4 alibaba/federatedscope:app-env-torch1.8
We first use wandb sweep to find the best hyper-parameters, then repeat the results three times.
Here we provide some examples for FEMNIST-s02 at benchmark/pfl_bench/FEMNIST-s02
for the hyper-parameter search space and hyper-parameter optimization (HPO) scripts, and the searched best configurations as yaml files for FEMNIST-s02 at benchmark/pfl_bench/yaml_best_runs_example
Since the searching scripts and best config yaml files for all experiments involve about 600 files and 6w+ code lines, we omit them here.
You can find the full scripts from the another branch or the packed small zip file, in which we organize the scripts for all the methods and all the datasets as multiple directories named by dataset name.
We put all the config yaml file in the directory benchmark/pfl_bench/yaml_best_runs
To reproduce the experiments with searched best configurations, you can run the experiment as the following example:
# Pre-step-1: If you do not use our docker, please install Federated Scope according to the pre-steps
git clone
# Pre-step-2: follow to build the running environment
# Pre-step-3: switch to the branch `feature/pFL_bench` if you want to run the codes with the version for paper's experiments.
git switch Feature/pfl_bench
# Try a run with the example yaml
python federatedscope/ --cfg benchmark/pfl_bench/yaml_best_runs/FedBN_FEMNIST-s02.yaml
Then all the metrics will be tracked in your logfile and send to wandb monitor.
You can customize the yaml file such as your wandb project name, or directly add new config in the command such as
python federatedscope/ --cfg benchmark/pfl_bench/yaml_best_runs/FedBN_FEMNIST-s02.yaml federate.local_update_steps 1
More examples for other methods including the combined pFL method variants (e.g., FedEM-FedBN-FedOPT-FT_cifar10-alpha01.yaml
) are in the directory benchmark/pfl_bench/yaml_best_runs
We use wandb sweep to find the best hyper-parameters, here are some scripts to do the sweep,
login to the wandb host, if you need private hosting, try wandb login here.
write your sweep HPO scripts, we provide the full HPO yamls in the
directory and organized by dataset name. See more details about sweep here. -
start your sweep by
wandb sweep my_hpo.yaml
, it will print the sweep id such as
wandb: Creating sweep from: sweep_fedAvg_FT.yaml
wandb: Created sweep with ID: mo45xa3d
wandb: View sweep at:
- sync your FederatedScope codes to the agent machine
- sync your data to the agent machine, and make sure you put them in the right path, e.g.,
enter the container
docker run -u root --gpus all -it --rm -v "/mnt1:/mnt" --name your_name-pfl-bench -w /mnt/user_name/FederatedScope alibaba/federatedscope:app-env-torch1.8 /bin/bash
- setup wandb and FederatedScope
wandb login --host=http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/
python install
If necessary, install several missing packages in case of the docker image misses these package
conda install fvcore pympler iopath
- run sweep agent, e.g.,
nohup wandb agent your_name/pFL-bench/sweep_id &
For the machine used for remote development and debug
- enter the container:
docker run -u root -p 8023:22 --gpus all -it --rm -v "/mnt1:/mnt" --name your_name-pfl-bench-debug -w /mnt/user_name/FederatedScope alibaba/federatedscope:app-env-torch1.8 /bin/bash
- prepare the ssh and wandb
apt-get update && apt-get install -y openssh-server
mkdir /var/run/sshd
echo 'root:fsdebug' | chpasswd
sed -i 's/#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
service ssh start
wandb login --host=http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/
- connect the machine and develop your pFL algorithm