Tags: zyuyou/meck
Version 0.7.2 - Change: Allow wildcards in history functions (Might break backwards compatibility in rare cases where code relies on the '_' atom as a normal atom, it is now the wildcard pattern) - Change: Add caller Pid to history *CAUTION* This will break backwards compatibility for functions that rely on the return value of history/1! - New: function num_calls/3+4 that return number of calls made to a MFA spec. - New: function called/4 that takes a caller Pid as argument - New: function history/2 that takes a caller Pid as argument - Change: By default, passthrough now records coverage statistics on original module (disable by using the 'no_passthrough_cover' option).
Version 0.7.1 - Fix eproxusGH-30: passthrough not accepting different arguments