Run "make" in main directory.
Go to wrappers/ directory.
For subgraph counting, run command:
DESIRED PATTERN SIZE: Either 3, 4, or 5
-i: output counts as integers. Useful for small graphs, or for debugging
(For example, python3 ../graphs/ca-AstroPh.edges 4 -i)
Input file must be in escape format, where first line has number of nodes and edges, and every line has a distinct undirected edge.
The console output gives the various numbers of patterns. Each line has a different count in the format: pattern name, number of non-induced counts, number of induced counts, ratio of induced to non-induced
For node orbit counting, run command:
DESIRED PATTERN SIZE: Either 3, 4, or 5
-i: output orbit counts as integers. Useful for small graphs, or for debugging
-p: print orbit counts to the screen
-c: save induced counts to the out.txt file instead of non-induced counts
(For example, python3 ../graphs/smaller-test.edges 5 -i -p)
Input file must be in escape format, where first line has number of nodes and edges, and every line has a distinct undirected edge.
The console output gives the node orbit counts. Line i is a list containing the counts of the times each node appears as the i-th node orbit.
Here are instructions to convert a raw list of edges (with potential repeats) to the escape format.
- Go to directory python/
- Run "python (eg python ../graphs ca-AstroPh.txt)
This will create a .edges file in the directory. Such a file will be in escape format.
graphs/ :
The graphs/ directory has a few raw input files. There is also a small test graph called small-test.txt. Remember to sanitize these by calling "" to convert into the escape format.
escape/ :
This directory has the main graph manipulation and pattern and orbit counting codes.
exe/ :
This directory has the main escape executables.
wrappers/ :
This directory has python wrapper functions through which the main code is called.
tests/ :
This directory has various test scripts, used for debugging and timing.