This is my fork of astronomer80's fork of foldedtoad's Python OTA DFU utility. I've modified it to fit my application
A python script for bluez gatttool using pexpect to achive Device Firmware Updates (DFU) to the nRF51.
The host system is assumed to be some flavor of Linux.
This is probably not a beginner's project.
Peripheral firmware updating is a complex process, requiring several critical development support steps, not covered here, before the utility can be used.
It is assumed that your peripheral firmware has been build to Nordic's SDK11 + SoftDevice 2.0.1
The target peripheral firmware should also include some variation of Nordic's DFU support.
The application is able to detect if the device is running in DFU mode already, and it also has the capability to switch the target to DFU mode, if it supports it. For more information on DFU please see the links at the end of this readme.
This project assumes you are developing on a Linux/Unix or OSX system and deploying to a Linux system.
sudo pip install pexpect
sudo pip install intelhex
- Your nRF51 firmware build method will produce either a firmware hex or bin file named application.hex or application.bin. This naming convention is per Nordics DFU specification, which is use by this DFU server as well as the Android Master Control Panel DFU, and iOS DFU app.
- Your nRF51 firmware build method will produce an Init file (aka application.dat). Again, this is per Nordic's naming conventions.
Use the gen_dat
application (you need to compile it with gcc gen_dat.c -o gen_dat
on first run) to generate a .dat
file from your .bin
file. Example:
./gen_dat application.bin application.dat
Note: The gen_dat
utility expects a .bin
file input, so you'll get CRC errors during DFU using a .dat
file generated from a .hex
An alternative is to use nrfutil
from Nordic Semi, but I've found this method to be easier. You may need to edit the gen_dat
source to fit your specific application.
There are two ways to speicify firmware files for this OTA-DFU server. Either by specifying both the file with the dat file, or more easily by the zip file, which contains both the hex and dat files.
The new "zip file" form is encouraged by Nordic, but the older hex+dat file methods should still work.
> sudo ./ -f ~/application.hex -d ~/application.dat -a EF:FF:D2:92:9C:2A
> sudo ./ -z ~/ -a EF:FF:D2:92:9C:2A
To figure out the address of DfuTarg do a 'hcitool lescan' -
$ sudo hcitool -i hci0 lescan
LE Scan ...
CD:E3:4A:47:1C:E4 (unknown)
== ==
== DFU Server ==
== ==
Sending file application.bin to D3:14:97:B5:C8:FE
bin array size: 64608
Checking DFU State...
Board needs to switch in DFU mode
Switching to DFU mode
Enable Notifications in DFU mode
Sending hex file size
Waiting for Image Size notification
Waiting for INIT DFU notification
Begin DFU
Progress: |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| 100.0% Complete (64600 of 64608 bytes)
Upload complete in 0 minutes and 15 seconds
Waiting for DFU complete notification
Waiting for Firmware Validation notification
Activate and reset
DFU Server done
64600 of 64608 bytes happens because the progress update depends on the packet receipt notification and it's not set to notify on every packet atm (to speed up transfer). In reality, all data is sent. I'll probably fix this later on.