«MultiGrain» re-implements the paper MultiGrain: a unified image embedding for classes and instances
MultiGrain provides a unified framework to simultaneously train classification and retrieval tasks. In addition, it also provides source code implementation - facebookresearch/multigrain. This warehouse is modified on the original basis to deepen the understanding and use of the MultiGrain framework.
cd multigrain
python3 --model resnet50 --lr 1e-2 --data-path /data/sdf/imagenet/ --output-dir ./outputs --ra-reps 1 --batch-size 128 --epochs 120
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 --model resnet50 --lr 1e-2 --data-path /data/sdf/imagenet/ --output-dir ./outputs --ra-reps 1 --batch-size 128 --epochs 120
- zhujian - Initial work - zjykzj
author = {Berman, Maxim and J{\'e}gou, Herv{\'e} and Vedaldi Andrea and
Kokkinos, Iasonas and Douze, Matthijs},
title = "{{MultiGrain}: a unified image embedding for classes and instances}",
journal = {arXiv e-prints},
year = "2019",
month = "Feb",
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