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Htmldev Bundle

Create living Styleguides with Symfony and Twig! ✨


  • Provide a single visual source for the design of a project.
  • Serve components and assets from the styleguide to prevent code duplication.
  • Deliver a good developer experience (DX) ✨ that makes creating a good-looking styleguide very easy.


  1. Require via composer.

    composer require zicht/htmldev-bundle

How to use


  1. Load the bundle into your AppKernel.

    new Zicht\Bundle\HtmldevBundle\ZichtHtmldevBundle()
  2. Configure routing.

    Add the following Yaml to your app's route configuration.

       resource: "@ZichtHtmldevBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"

    ⚠️ if you combine this bundle with the zicht/page-bundle, make sure this configuration is placed above any routing containing /{locale}.

  3. Add an app/config/bundles/ bundle configuration file to configure a Twig namespace and add project specific assets to the Styleguide (optionally you can configure much more, see down below):

            "%kernel.root_dir%/../htmldev": htmldev
                -  type: stylesheet
                   path: 'assets/main.css'
                -  type: script
                   path: 'assets/main.min.js'

    For the Styleguide, there are two asset types: stylesheet and script. For both you can either configure a path which will be passed through the Twig asset() function, or you can configure a URL (to an external stylesheet or script for instance) or you can configure a body to add inline CSS or scripting.

  4. Create a directory data/styleguide/ in the htmldev/ directory. Add a file navigation.yml containing at least the following:

        title: Components
        uri: /htmldev/components/buttons
  5. Go to the styleguide's URL at /htmldev (e.g. http://localhost/htmldev) and you should see a basic setup of the styleguide:

  6. Optionally you can change the styleguide's title and its output.

    • To change the Styleguide title, edit the config and add a title: '...' element:

              title: 'Design System'
    • To change the Styleguide's subtitle, or add a (SVG) logo, edit the config and add a subtitle: '...' element:

            title: 'Design System'
            subtitle: 'Zicht'

      Or you can use raw SVG-code, but don't forget to define a height that doesn't exceed 35px:

            title: 'Design System'
            subtitle: >-
                  <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 32 32" width="35px" height="35px" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
                  <path fill="currentColor" d="M32 16c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16S0 24.8 0 16 7.2 0 16 0s16 7.2 16 16zm-21 1.9h6.1l8.7-10.6h-14l-4.3 4.4h8.6L11 17.9zm9.7 5.9l4.3-4.4H9.8l-3.6 4.4h14.5z"/>
    • To change the Styleguide output, edit the config and add an output: [] section:

              output: ['example', 'twig', 'html'] # or ['example', 'html'] or ['example'] or ...

      Default (when not explicitly configured) is output: ['example', 'twig']

  7. By default SVG's will be cached on every other environment then development. This is due to performance reasons. It makes use of file caching for the rendered SVG files. In order to disable this on development you may want this to be array. To achieve this you could set the config param just like this:

        svg_cache: array

    other supported options are file and apcu or a service id where the class implements the PSR-16.

Adding stuff to the styleguide


Components are simple Twig templates which represent a small peace of the design of a project, for example a button or a card. The HtmldevBundle looks for these components in the htmldev/components/ folder. Inside this directory, you're free to structure them how you want.

The component is rendered inside a Twig control structure {% strict false %} block from the zicht/framework-extra-bundle which means there's no need for strict null or empty checks on variables inside a component: a simple {% if variable %} will suffice.

Recommended: for easy conditional CSS classes, the HtmldevBundle automaticall loads the zicht/twig-classes helper function:

{% set cx = {
    article: classes({
        'u-margin--b2': image.url,
        'u-margin--b0  u-text--center': not image.url,
} %}

<article class="{{ cx.article }}">

Rendering components in the Styleguide

The HtmldevBundle loads the example/dummy data for the components from Yaml files from the htmldev/data/ directory.

For example, it loads a htmldev/data/buttons.yml:

    styleguide_title: Blue button
    styleguide_type: buttons/text
    text: Button
    color: blue
    styleguide_title: White button outline
    styleguide_type: buttons/text
    styleguide_dark: true
    outline: true
    text: Button
    color: white

This way, you can add components to the styleguide without typing Twig code. The keys that start with styleguide_ are only used to influence rendering of the component in the styleguide. The other keys are properties of the component itself.

The available options for rendering in the styleguide are:

  • styleguide_type The name of the component to show. For example, buttons/text corresponds to the file htmldev/components/buttons/text.html.twig.
  • styleguide_title The title that will be rendered with the component.
  • styleguide_description An extra description of the component that will be rendered below the title.
  • styleguide_dark (true|false) A boolean indicating whether the styleguide should render the component on a dark background, for example for white buttons.
  • styleguide_component_width Override the default width of the component in the styleguide. Use a pixel/percentage/viewport unit to change the width of the component next to the code example, e.g. styleguide_component_width: 500px. Or to render the code example below the component, use styleguide_component_width: full.

Responsive image component

Please refer to the HTMLdev components folder for documentation on the installation and usage of the Zicht responsive image component.


The bundle renders default pages for all the components that are added to the navigation.yml and their own data Yaml files. The templates for the Styleguide reside within the HtmldevBundle's own Resources/views/styleguide/ directory and can be overridden within the project's htmldev/pages/ directory. Both directory's structures look like below. The HtmldevBundle has a base component.html.twig template for all components. You can override this template in your project's htmldev/pages/ directory to do global changes. In your project's htmldev/pages/ directory you can create a components/ subdirectory and add custom templates for specific components (the base name part of the template file should be the same as the base name of the Yaml file). The design elements do have their own template within the HtmldevBundle, which are all based on the component.html.twig template (either the one in your project's htmldev/pages/ directory or the one of the Htmldev bundle).

You could also add a homepage/introduction page instead of going to the page of the first component in the list as homepage. You can do so by adding a template at htmldev/pages/styleguide_intro.html.twig. This will then be rendered as a homepage (at the URL).

Relative directory structure:

  ├┈ (styleguide_intro.html.twig)
  ├─ component.html.twig
  ├┈ (components/)
  │  ├┈ (buttons.html.twig)
  │  ├┈ (cards.html.twig)
  │  └┈ (headers.html.twig)
  └─ design-elements/
     ├─ colors.html.twig
     ├─ icons.html.twig
     └─ typography.html.twig

Adding navigation

The HtmldevBundle supports two levels of navigation in the styleguide. The items that make up the menu should be added to htmldev/data/styleguide/navigation.yml.

Example of a navigation structure:

    title: Components
    uri: /htmldev/components/buttons
            title: Buttons
            uri: /htmldev/components/buttons
            title: Cards
            uri: /htmldev/components/cards
   title: Design Elements
   uri: /htmldev/design-elements/colors
           title: Colors
           uri: /htmldev/design-elements/colors
           title: Icons
           uri: /htmldev/design-elements/icons
           title: Typography
           uri: /htmldev/design-elements/typography


The HtmldevBundle Styleguide page Design Elements > Colors will read the color Sass map inside the file htmldev/sass/variables/_zss-overrides.scss and renders these colors inside a grid.

The page is using a Twig function color_palette() and passes the filename _zss-overrides.scss. You can override this page (see Pages) to change/add the files it is reading from.

The default color service assumes variables of the ZSS framework, but feel free to use a different service. See the Customising section.


The HtmldevBundle Styleguide page Design Elements > Icons will render the icons in the directory htmldev/images/icons/ (no subdirectories).


The HtmldevBundle Styleguide page Design Elements > Typography contains a static set of typographical elements such as <h1>, <h2>, <h3> and <h4> headings, a few <p> paragraphs, a <blockquote> quote with a <footer> and a few <ul> unordered lists. The paragraphs and lists contain some <a> links.

You can override this page (see Pages) to customize the HTML specially for your project.

Using the styleguide in the project

Rendering components

Rendering components through the component macro (ui.component()) is deprecated

To render components, simply use a Twig include like below:

This wil load htmldev/components/cards/cover.html.twig with the given properties:

{% include '@htmldev/components/cards/cover.html.twig' with {
    title: 'Hodor',
    url: '/some/page'
} only %}

Rendering SVG files

The HtmldevBundle svg macro (ui.svg()) to inline render SVG's is deprecated

The HtmldevBundle provides a inline_images filter to inline render SVG's within the string subject. This allows easy coloring of the SVG with currentColor and CSS.

This will render the contents of htmldev/images/icons/arrow--right.svg in the HTML:

{% apply inline_images %}
    <img src="htmldev/images/icons/arrow--right.svg" width="20" height="20">
{% endapply %}

The following attributes can be used within the <img /> tag:

  • width The width that should be set on the <svg /> element. This will override an existing width attribute. The filter assumes px, so width: 20 will be rendered as <svg width="20px" />. Allowed values: MDN.
  • height The height that should be set on the <svg /> element. This will override an existing height attribute. The filter assumes px, so height: 20 will be rendered as <svg height="20px" />. Allowed values: MDN.
  • viewbox-x and viewbox-y The x and y values of the viewbox property. This will override an existing viewbox attribute. These arguments must both be passed, otherwise they will not be applied. <img viewbox-x="20" viewbox-y="30"> will be rendered as <svg viewbox="0 0 20 30" />.
  • class A list of CSS classes that will be applied to the <svg /> element. <img class="u-white u-block"> will be rendered as <svg class="u-white u-black" />.
  • title This will add a <title /> element inside the <svg /> for accessibility improvements. Reference: MDN
  • Any other attributes will also be applied to the <svg /> element. This can be any attribute that's valid for the <svg /> element. Default values for some other attributes are: aria-hidden="true" and role="img".


There are several Symfony parameters available to override, to add a different implementation.

  • (default: %kernel.root_dir%/../htmldev) Change the styleguide directory.
  • htmldev.controller The controller that handles the requests for pages inside the styleguide.
  • htmldev.color_service The service that reads colors from a Sass variable in ZSS. To change the way this works, implement the ColorServiceInterface class and change this parameter to your own class.
  • htmldev.svg_service The service that returns the contents of SVG files. To change the way this works, implement the SvgServiceInterface and change this parameter to your own class.

Alternative structure

It is possible to move everything out of the HtmldevBundle's default htmldev/ directory by changing a few configurations. For instance, to adhere to a more industry standard structure in a Symfony 4+ project:

Add to config/packages/zicht_htmldev.yaml:

        data: '%kernel.project_dir%/config/packages/_zicht_htmldev'
        images_icons: '%kernel.project_dir%/assets/images/icons/'
        sass_variables: '%kernel.project_dir%/assets/sass/variables/'
        svg_service_base_dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/assets/'

And move stuff around accordingly.



The bundle contains a CSS file to provide default styling for the styleguide.

  • The source of this CSS file is styleguide.scss, located in the Resourcs/sass folder.
  • The Sass files are compiled with webpack and node-sass.
  • The Sass files are linted with stylelint-config-zicht.

Run npm run build to add your features or bug fixes to the compiled CSS file, and don't forget to commit the resulting files in ~/Resources/public/css.
