- url: "http://localhost:18918"
prometheus2kafka 是参照Prometheus官方远程存储源码,结合 sarama(Kafka Clients-Go)写的一个适配器。将prometheus收集到的指标数据同步到Kafka。支持生产者同步或异步,默认异步,高并发场景使用。适配器访问日志也可以写入Kafka,默认关闭。
$ cd prometheus2kafka
$ go get ./...
$ go build
$ ./prometheus2kafka <flags>
Usage of ./prometheus2kafka:
Accesslog writes to Kafka
-addr string
The address to bind to (default ":18918")
Async producer mode (default true)
-brokers string
The Kafka brokers to connect to, as a comma separated list
-ca string
The optional certificate authority file for TLS client authentication
-certificate string
The optional certificate file for client authentication
-key string
The optional key file for client authentication
-topic string
The Kafka topic to write to (default "prometheus")
Turn on Sarama logging
Optional verify ssl certificates chain