Library of openid connect (oidc) and oauth2 integrated by oidc client, vue3
pnpm i vue3-oidc
$ cd example/server
$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ cd example/client
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
Configure the library by wrapping your application in createOidc
and your initialization application when run createOidc:
import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import "./oidc";
import router from "./router";
const app = createApp(App);
import type { VueOidcSettings } from "vue3-oidc";
import { createOidc, useOidcStore } from "vue3-oidc";
import { unref } from "vue";
const { state } = useOidcStore();
const oidcSettings: VueOidcSettings = {
authority: "http://localhost:4000",
scope: "openid",
client_id: "your client id",
client_secret: "your client secret",
redirect_uri: origin + "/oidc-callback",
response_type: "code",
loadUserInfo: true,
onSigninRedirectCallback(user) {
location.href = unref(state).redirect_uri || "/";
oidcSettings: oidcSettings, //your oidc settings
auth: true, //if auth is true,will auto authenticate
events: {}, //your oidc customization callback events
- useOidcStore
import type { UserProfile } from "oidc-client-ts";
function useOidcStore<T>(): {
state: ComputedRef<OidcState<T>>;
actions: ComputedRef<OidcActions>;
interface OidcState<T = UserProfile> {
oidcSettings: MaybeNull<VueOidcSettings>;
userManager: MaybeNull<UserManager>;
user: MaybeNull<OidcUser<T>>;
token: ComputedRef<string | null>;
hasExpiresAt: ComputedRef<boolean>;
redirect_uri: string;
interface OidcActions {
setUser(user: User): void;
removeUser(): void;
type OidcUser<T = UserProfile> = User & {
profile: UseUserProfile<T>;
type UseUserProfile<T = UserProfile> = T;
- useAuth
function useAuth(): {
autoAuthenticate: typeof autoAuthenticate;
signinRedirect: typeof signinRedirect;
signoutRedirect: typeof signoutRedirect;
//autoAuthenticate - will try to authenticate the user silently
function autoAuthenticate(): Promise<void>;
//signin callback
function signinRedirect(arg?: SigninRedirectArgs): void;
//signout callback
function signoutRedirect(arg?: SignoutRedirectArgs): void;