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Starred repositories
DLRover: An Automatic Distributed Deep Learning System
Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
A shim driver allows in-docker nvidia-smi showing correct process list without modify anything
oidc-agent for managing OpenID Connect tokens on the command line
Kubernetes Operator for MPI-based applications (distributed training, HPC, etc.)
admission webhook for lxcfs
Heterogeneous AI Computing Virtualization Middleware
🚀 10x easier, 🚀 140x lower storage cost, 🚀 high performance, 🚀 petabyte scale - Elasticsearch/Splunk/Datadog alternative for 🚀 (logs, metrics, traces, RUM, Error tracking, Session replay).
Musicdl: A lightweight music downloader written in pure python.
PagePlug 是 Appsmith 的中国化项目。基于Appsmith做了整体性能的优化及汉化,也集合了特色表单解决方案Formily组件、图表解决方案Echarts组件、低代码小程序开发等,是面向研发使用的一个开源的、声明式的前后端一体低代码,项目逻辑主要是在前端的解释器和设计器上
Eclipse Mosquitto - An open source MQTT broker
dockerd as a compliant Container Runtime Interface for Kubernetes
Large language model fine-tuning capabilities based on cloud native and distributed computing.
GPU plugin to the node feature discovery for Kubernetes
A Bot Framework based on Lsposed with OneBot11(停止维护/禁用于违法用途)
Official upstream for the cloud-init: cloud instance initialization