Runs MATLAB script and gives output
$ npm install node-matlab
MATLAB 2019a or later must be installed on your pc, you don't need to install Python/Jupyter Notebook or MATLAB kernel
// One Line
const matlab = require("node-matlab");
.then((result) => console.log(result))
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
// 7
You need to escape "\n", "\r" etc. to run multiline scripts
// Multi Line
const matlab = require("node-matlab");
counter = 0;
period = 0.1;
totalTime = 2;
for number = 0:period:totalTime
counter = counter + 1;
array(counter) = -2 * cos(2 * pi * 2 * number + deg2rad(47));
fprintf("t(%g) = %g\\n", number, array(counter));
.then((result) => console.log(result))
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
t(0) = -1.364
t(0.1) = 0.969619
t(0.2) = 1.96325
t(0.3) = 0.243739
t(0.4) = -1.81262
t(0.5) = -1.364
t(0.6) = 0.969619
t(0.7) = 1.96325
t(0.8) = 0.243739
t(0.9) = -1.81262
t(1) = -1.364
t(1.1) = 0.969619
t(1.2) = 1.96325
t(1.3) = 0.243739
t(1.4) = -1.81262
t(1.5) = -1.364
t(1.6) = 0.969619
t(1.7) = 1.96325
t(1.8) = 0.243739
t(1.9) = -1.81262
t(2) = -1.364
// Read From File
const matlab = require("node-matlab");
.then((result) => console.log(result))
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
// t + 4*exp(-t) - 3*exp(-2*t) + 1