This repository contains gitweb-theme, an alternative theme for gitweb.
This theme is basically a fork of kogakure theme with CSS modifications of linaro theme.
What has changed are colors, fonts, and the logos. The following files have been removed: README.markdown, setup.
The installation of this stylesheet is very easy. Just copy the
following files to the directory where gitweb static files is located
(usually /usr/share/gitweb
sudo cp -f git-favicon.png git-logo.png gitweb.css /usr/share/gitweb/static/
Be aware that this command will overwrite the original files! So, make sure you have made a backup.
Also, note that after upgrading git package, these files will be
overwritten. In case of Zeppe-Lin, you can set pkgadd(8) to never
upgrade these files. Edit /etc/pkgadd.conf
and add the following
UPGRADE ^usr/share/gitweb/static/git-favicon.png$ NO
UPGRADE ^usr/share/gitweb/static/git-logo.png$ NO
UPGRADE ^usr/share/gitweb/static/gitweb.css$ NO
Same as the gitweb-theme upstream, MIT license. See LICENSE file for copyright and license details.