demo site:
FHIR UI components that do not require a backend 🏝️
Built on top of [] 👟
- Build FHIR-based UIs in an idiomatic way that aligns to the standard
- Provide out-of-the-box rendering of resources, complex, simple, and other FHIR data structures
- Display errors
- Render as detailed structures
- Extend components to customize what is rendered
- [TODO] - edit data with full validation
- [TODO] - display collections as tables.
Web Components are a way to instruct the browser on the introduction of new custom elements that can be used just like any other HTML markup.
<html >
<head >
<script src="/js/my-element.js"></script >
</head >
<body >
<my-element title="Salutation" value="Hello World!"></my-element >
</body >
</html >
Web component is a browser standard supported in all major browsers and one implementation can be used in all major frameworks.
They are made up of the following Browser APIs:
- Custom Elements
- Shadow DOM
- Template Elements
- CSS custom properties
- CSS Parts
Although no extra library is needed to create or interact with a web component, there are many librairies that make their development easier.
- MDN Docs - The specification
- Lit Library - most popular library for implenting web components
- Web Component - online IDE with demos of supporting libraries and frameworks
- Browser Support