Hello there! This is the repository for ZenML. ZenML is an open-source framework to create production-grade MLOps pipelines. If you would like to see the published pip package can be found here.
This guide is intended to help you install ZenML from source, primarily for development purposes.
git clone https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml.git
# or ssh
git clone git@github.com:zenml-io/zenml.git
To install the local ZenML files in an isolated environment, first create and activate a virtualenv by running
python -m venv <VIRTUALENV_NAME>
source <VIRTUALENV_NAME>/bin/activate
Installing editable packages from a pyproject.toml
using pip requires a new version
of pip, so we first make sure pip is up to date:
pip install --upgrade pip
Then from the root of the package:
pip install -e ".[server,dev]"
This will install the ZenML package as an editable source (including all dev-dependencies), so now you should be good to go with that virtualenv.
After doing the above, you should have the zenml
CLI installed in your virtualenv. You can check this with:
zenml version
For Bash, add this to ~/.bashrc:
eval "$(_zenml_COMPLETE=source_bash zenml)"
For Zsh, add this to ~/.zshrc:
eval "$(_zenml_COMPLETE=source_zsh zenml)"
For Fish, add this to ~/.config/fish/completions/foo-bar.fish:
eval (env _zenml_COMPLETE=source_fish zenml)
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