Fween tweens things - object properties, function calls, HTML element styles.
It is a TypeScript project that builds into a JavaScript library.
Its main concept is simplicity. Its syntax uses a chained/stream methodology to construct sequences.
It is experimental, and under early development.
With a getter/setter function pair:
Fween.use(getterFunc, setterFunc)
.from(value) // Optional: set the starting value
.to(value, durationSeconds = 0, transitionFunction = Easing.none)
With an arbitrary object:
All Fween instances also include some common methods:
A getter/setter animation, smooth scrolling in 1 second and then calling a function:
Fween.use(getScrollY, setScrollY).to(0, 1, Easing.expoOut).call(completeCallback).play();
function getScrollY() {
return window.scrollY;
function setScrollY(value) {
window.scrollTo(0, value;
function completeCallback() {
console.log("Smooth scroll ended.");
.to({x: value}, 1, Easing.expoOut);
.to({top: "valuepx"}, 1, Easing.expoOut);
.to("background-color: #ffffff", 1, Easing.expoOutString)