.. ipython:: python :suppress: import numpy as np import pandas as pd import xarray as xr np.random.seed(123456)
- For combining datasets or data arrays along a dimension, see concatenate.
- For combining datasets with different variables, see merge.
To combine arrays along existing or new dimension into a larger array, you
can use :py:func:`~xarray.concat`. concat
takes an iterable of DataArray
or Dataset
objects, as well as a dimension name, and concatenates along
that dimension:
.. ipython:: python arr = xr.DataArray(np.random.randn(2, 3), [('x', ['a', 'b']), ('y', [10, 20, 30])]) arr[:, :1] # this resembles how you would use np.concatenate xr.concat([arr[:, :1], arr[:, 1:]], dim='y')
In addition to combining along an existing dimension, concat
can create a
new dimension by stacking lower dimensional arrays together:
.. ipython:: python arr[0] # to combine these 1d arrays into a 2d array in numpy, you would use np.array xr.concat([arr[0], arr[1]], 'x')
If the second argument to concat
is a new dimension name, the arrays will
be concatenated along that new dimension, which is always inserted as the first
.. ipython:: python xr.concat([arr[0], arr[1]], 'new_dim')
The second argument to concat
can also be an :py:class:`~pandas.Index` or
:py:class:`~xarray.DataArray` object as well as a string, in which case it is
used to label the values along the new dimension:
.. ipython:: python xr.concat([arr[0], arr[1]], pd.Index([-90, -100], name='new_dim'))
Of course, concat
also works on Dataset
.. ipython:: python ds = arr.to_dataset(name='foo') xr.concat([ds.sel(x='a'), ds.sel(x='b')], 'x')
:py:func:`~xarray.concat` has a number of options which provide deeper control over which variables are concatenated and how it handles conflicting variables between datasets. With the default parameters, xarray will load some coordinate variables into memory to compare them between datasets. This may be prohibitively expensive if you are manipulating your dataset lazily using :ref:`dask`.
To combine variables and coordinates between multiple DataArray
object, use :py:func:`~xarray.merge`. It can merge a list of
, DataArray
or dictionaries of objects convertible to
.. ipython:: python xr.merge([ds, ds.rename({'foo': 'bar'})]) xr.merge([xr.DataArray(n, name='var%d' % n) for n in range(5)])
If you merge another dataset (or a dictionary including data array objects), by default the resulting dataset will be aligned on the union of all index coordinates:
.. ipython:: python other = xr.Dataset({'bar': ('x', [1, 2, 3, 4]), 'x': list('abcd')}) xr.merge([ds, other])
This ensures that merge
is non-destructive. xarray.MergeError
is raised
if you attempt to merge two variables with the same name but different values:
.. ipython:: @verbatim In [1]: xr.merge([ds, ds + 1]) MergeError: conflicting values for variable 'foo' on objects to be combined: first value: <xarray.Variable (x: 2, y: 3)> array([[ 0.4691123 , -0.28286334, -1.5090585 ], [-1.13563237, 1.21211203, -0.17321465]]) second value: <xarray.Variable (x: 2, y: 3)> array([[ 1.4691123 , 0.71713666, -0.5090585 ], [-0.13563237, 2.21211203, 0.82678535]])
The same non-destructive merging between DataArray
index coordinates is
used in the :py:class:`~xarray.Dataset` constructor:
.. ipython:: python xr.Dataset({'a': arr[:-1], 'b': arr[1:]})
In contrast to merge
, update
modifies a dataset in-place without
checking for conflicts, and will overwrite any existing variables with new
.. ipython:: python ds.update({'space': ('space', [10.2, 9.4, 3.9])})
However, dimensions are still required to be consistent between different Dataset variables, so you cannot change the size of a dimension unless you replace all dataset variables that use it.
also performs automatic alignment if necessary. Unlike merge
, it
maintains the alignment of the original array instead of merging indexes:
.. ipython:: python ds.update(other)
The exact same alignment logic when setting a variable with __setitem__
.. ipython:: python ds['baz'] = xr.DataArray([9, 9, 9, 9, 9], coords=[('x', list('abcde'))]) ds.baz
xarray objects can be compared by using the :py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.equals`,
:py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.identical` and
:py:meth:`~xarray.Dataset.broadcast_equals` methods. These methods are used by
the optional compat
argument on concat
and merge
:py:attr:`~xarray.Dataset.equals` checks dimension names, indexes and array values:
.. ipython:: python arr.equals(arr.copy())
:py:attr:`~xarray.Dataset.identical` also checks attributes, and the name of each object:
.. ipython:: python arr.identical(arr.rename('bar'))
:py:attr:`~xarray.Dataset.broadcast_equals` does a more relaxed form of equality check that allows variables to have different dimensions, as long as values are constant along those new dimensions:
.. ipython:: python left = xr.Dataset(coords={'x': 0}) right = xr.Dataset({'x': [0, 0, 0]}) left.broadcast_equals(right)
Like pandas objects, two xarray objects are still equal or identical if they have
missing values marked by NaN
in the same locations.
In contrast, the ==
operation performs element-wise comparison (like
.. ipython:: python arr == arr.copy()
Note that NaN
does not compare equal to NaN
in element-wise comparison;
you may need to deal with missing values explicitly.
The compat
argument 'no_conflicts'
is only available when
combining xarray objects with merge
. In addition to the above comparison
methods it allows the merging of xarray objects with locations where either
have NaN
values. This can be used to combine data with overlapping
coordinates as long as any non-missing values agree or are disjoint:
.. ipython:: python ds1 = xr.Dataset({'a': ('x', [10, 20, 30, np.nan])}, {'x': [1, 2, 3, 4]}) ds2 = xr.Dataset({'a': ('x', [np.nan, 30, 40, 50])}, {'x': [2, 3, 4, 5]}) xr.merge([ds1, ds2], compat='no_conflicts')
Note that due to the underlying representation of missing values as floating
point numbers (NaN
), variable data type is not always preserved when merging
in this manner.