This repository provides supporting code used to compute the Fréchet Audio Distance (FAD), a reference-free evaluation metric for audio generation algorithms, in particular music enhancement.
For more details about Fréchet Audio Distance and how we verified it please check out our paper:
- K. Kilgour et. al., Fréchet Audio Distance: A Metric for Evaluating Music Enhancement Algorithms,
FAD depends on:
and also requires downloading a VGG model checkpoint file:
$ git clone
$ cd google-research
Create a virtualenv to isolate from everything else and activate it first.
# Python 2
$ virtualenv fad
# or Oython 3
$ python3 -m venv fad # (apache-beam does not yet support Python 3)
# activate the virtualenv
$ source fad/bin/activate
# Upgrade pip
$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
# Install dependences
$ pip install apache-beam numpy scipy tensorflow
$ mkdir tensorflow_models
$ touch tensorflow_models/
$ svn export tensorflow_models/audioset/
$ touch tensorflow_models/audioset/
$ mkdir -p data
$ curl -o data/vggish_model.ckpt
This will generate a set of background test files (sine waves at different frequencies). And two test sets of sine waves with distortions.
$ python -m frechet_audio_distance.gen_test_files --test_files "test_audio"
#Add them to file lists:
$ ls --color=never test_audio/background/* > test_audio/test_files_background.cvs
$ ls --color=never test_audio/test1/* > test_audio/test_files_test1.cvs
$ ls --color=never test_audio/test2/* > test_audio/test_files_test2.cvs
$ mkdir -p stats
$ python -m frechet_audio_distance.create_embeddings_main --input_files test_audio/test_files_background.cvs --stats stats/background_stats
$ python -m frechet_audio_distance.create_embeddings_main --input_files test_audio/test_files_test1.cvs --stats stats/test1_stats
$ python -m frechet_audio_distance.create_embeddings_main --input_files test_audio/test_files_test2.cvs --stats stats/test2_stats
$ python -m frechet_audio_distance.compute_fad --background_stats stats/background_stats --test_stats stats/test1_stats
$ python -m frechet_audio_distance.compute_fad --background_stats stats/background_stats --test_stats stats/test2_stats