Library to convert from EDF file format to tensorflow.Example for model training. An example application is provided for the Temple University Hospital (TUH) seizure dataset and has been tested on the same.
Bazel 0.19.2. This was the version that worked with tensorflow 1.13.1, the most recent one as of June 2019 according to
Lullaby This library is used to parse command-line arguments but it does not have a release, hence could not be included in the WORKSPACE. As a workaround until lullaby has an official release, clone it into the eeg_modelling folder (where the file WORKSPACE exists):
git clone
bazel run edf:temple_edf_to_tf_example -- --edf_path <edf_path> --output_path <output_path>
, where<edf_path>
is the original EDF filepath, and<output_path>
is the desired path for the output file.