Code to reproduce the experiments from the paper: Rendle, Krichene, Zhang, Anderson (2020): Neural Collaborative Filtering vs. Matrix Factorization Revisited
Implementation of a simple matrix factorization model using the datasets and evaluation protocol from the NCF paper.
Requires the code and datasets from (this code assumes a Python 2 runtime)
- Download
- Copy into the same directory
The results in the plots of Figure 2 were created with the following hyperparameters.
python --data Data/ml-1m --epochs 256 --embedding_dim 16 \
--regularization 0.005 --negatives 8 --learning_rate 0.002 --stddev 0.1
python --data Data/pinterest-20 --epochs 256 --embedding_dim 16 \
--regularization 0.01 --negatives 10 --learning_rate 0.007 --stddev 0.1
- We varied the embedding dimension from 16 to 192. Running the larger embedding dimension takes the longest but results in the highest quality.
- We repeated each experiment 8 times and report the mean value.
- The code is not optimized for speed but rather for simplicity.
The hyperparameters above were tuned on a holdout set. The holdout set for hyperparameter tuning can be created with:
./ --in Data/ml-1m.train.rating \
--out_train Data/ml-1m.holdout.train.rating \
--out_test Data/ml-1m.holdout.test.rating \
--out_test_neg Data/ml-1m.holdout.test.negative
More details about the experiments can be found in appendix A.
The plots in Figure 3 were created with:
python --embedding_dim {16,32,64,128} \
--num_users {4000,8000,16000,32000,64000,128000} \
--num_items {4000,8000,16000,32000,64000,128000} \
--first_layer_mult {1,2,4} --learning_rate 0.001
- The three different plots in Figure 3 correspond to different choices of first_layer_mult {1,2,4}.
- The y-axis is the number of users {4000,8000,16000,32000,64000,128000}. We set num_items=num_users.
- We repeated the experiment 5 times and report the mean value.