Apps like Instagram, Reeder and DailyBooth have a UINavigationBar with custom background and sometimes custom back buttons. How do we build a similar custom UINavigationBar?
In our recipe for Recreating the iBooks wood themed navigation bar we added a wood image as a subview of UINavigationBar. This worked but it turns out that we were lucky.
If we had tried to push another view controller onto our UINavigationController we would've ended up with a UINavigationBar that has nothing but our wood image. This is because as the standard UINavigationBar implementation adds items, it also then sends them to the back of its view hierarchy. So even if we add our custom image to the bottom of the UINavigationBar view hierarchy, the rightBarButtonItem, titleView and leftBarButtonItem end up below the custom image and out of sight.
We need a new, more flexible solution: Instead of adding to a UINavigationBar's view hierarchy we will subclass UINavigationBar. We'll override UINavigationBar's drawRect and draw our custom background image directly:
// If we have a custom background image, then draw it, othwerwise call super and draw the standard nav bar
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
if (navigationBarBackgroundImage)
[navigationBarBackgroundImage.image drawInRect:rect];
[super drawRect:rect];
Any time navigationBarBackgroundImage changes we also need to call [self setNeedsDisplay] so the new background image is properly drawn.
A couple of methods allow us to set or clear the background image:
// Save the background image and call setNeedsDisplay to force a redraw
-(void) setBackgroundWith:(UIImage*)backgroundImage
self.navigationBarBackgroundImage = [[[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:self.frame] autorelease];
navigationBarBackgroundImage.image = backgroundImage;
[self setNeedsDisplay];
// clear the background image and call setNeedsDisplay to force a redraw
-(void) clearBackground
self.navigationBarBackgroundImage = nil;
[self setNeedsDisplay];
In most cases, you'll have a single custom background image that you'll set once.
If you need to change the custom background more than once, say every time the user enters a new section, then simply call setBackgroundWith every time you want the nav bar's background to change.
The source codefor this recipe is one app with a single UINavigationController and a table row for each of the apps: Instagram, Reeder and DailyBooth. When you select a row, we push a view controller that calls setBackgroundWith to set the background image for each app.
In the iBooks recipe we created a custom UIBarButtonItem by creating a buttonwith a stretchable image and adding the button as the customView of UIBarButtonItem.
We do the same thing here except we use an image has an arrow on the left side and we adjust the button's titleEdgeInsets to center the text properly.
The backButtonWith:highlight:leftCapWidth: convenience method on our CustomNavigationBar class creates a back button which we can then add as the leftBarButtonItem. This replaces the built in back button.
To resize our custom back button to match width of the text, we use UILabel's sizeWithFont to measure the width of the text and resize the button appropriately.
Just like the standard back bar button implementation, the CustomNavigationBar will set the title of the back button to the title of the previous controller on the UINavigationController stack.
The source code for this recipe also lets you dynamically change the back button text after a view controller is pushed onto the UINavigationController stack. The back button resizes as needed and you get to see and experiment with different text and button widths.