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This is a mirror of Repository: Issues: Download latest(development) version ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *acp-introduction* With this plugin, your vim comes to automatically opens popup menu for completions when you enter characters or move the cursor in Insert mode. It won't prevent you continuing entering characters. ============================================================================== INSTALLATION *acp-installation* Put all files into your runtime directory. If you have the zip file, extract it to your runtime directory. You should place the files as follows: > <your runtime directory>/plugin/acp.vim <your runtime directory>/doc/acp.txt ... < If you disgust to jumble up this plugin and other plugins in your runtime directory, put the files into new directory and just add the directory path to 'runtimepath'. It's easy to uninstall the plugin. And then update your help tags files to enable fuzzyfinder help. See |add-local-help| for details. ============================================================================== USAGE *acp-usage* Once this plugin is installed, auto-popup is enabled at startup by default. Which completion method is used depends on the text before the cursor. The default behavior is as follows: kind filetype text before the cursor ~ Keyword * two keyword characters Filename * a filename character + a path separator + 0 or more filename character Omni ruby ".", "::" or non-word character + ":" (|+ruby| required.) Omni python "." (|+python| required.) Omni xml "<", "</" or ("<" + non-">" characters + " ") Omni html/xhtml "<", "</" or ("<" + non-">" characters + " ") Omni css (":", ";", "{", "^", "@", or "!") + 0 or 1 space Also, you can make user-defined completion and snipMate's trigger completion (|acp-snipMate|) auto-popup if the options are set. These behavior are customizable. *acp-snipMate* snipMate's Trigger Completion ~ snipMate's trigger completion enables you to complete a snippet trigger provided by snipMate plugin ( and expand it. To enable auto-popup for this completion, add following function to plugin/snipMate.vim: > fun! GetSnipsInCurrentScope() let snips = {} for scope in [bufnr('%')] + split(&ft, '\.') + ['_'] call extend(snips, get(s:snippets, scope, {}), 'keep') call extend(snips, get(s:multi_snips, scope, {}), 'keep') endfor return snips endf < And set |g:acp_behaviorSnipmateLength| option to 1. There is the restriction on this auto-popup, that the word before cursor must consist only of uppercase characters. *acp-perl-omni* Perl Omni-Completion ~ AutoComplPop supports perl-completion.vim ( To enable auto-popup for this completion, set |g:acp_behaviorPerlOmniLength| option to 0 or more. ==============================================================================