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References * Cakewalk® Synthesizers: From Presets to Power User, Second Edition Simon Cann - Course Technology - 2009 Zerberus Supported and Unsupported SFZ Opcodes == Supported -- Instrument definition group region Sample Definition sample Input controls loccN hiccN lochan hichan key lokey hikey lovel hivel loccN hiccN hirand lorand seq_length seq_position trigger attack release first legato off_by off_mode fast normal on_loccN on_hiccN Sample Player delay offset loop_mode no_loop one_shot loop_continuous loop_sustain loop_start loop_end Performance Parameters Pitch transpose tune pitch_keycenter pitch_keytrack Pitch EG Pitch LFO Filter fil_type cutoff fil_veltrack Filter EG Filter LFO Amplifier pan volume amp_veltrack rt_decay Amplifier EG ampeg_delay ampeg_start ampeg_attack ampeg_hold ampeg_decay ampeg_sustain ampeg_vel2delay ampeg_vel2attack ampeg_vel2hold ampeg_vel2decay ampeg_vel2sustain ampeg_vel2release ampeg_release Amplifier LFO Equalizer Effects Not in SFZ 1.0 note_offset octave_offset Unsupported -- Input Controls lobend hibend lochanaft hichanaft lopolyaft hipolyaft lopbm hipbm sw_lokey sw_hikey sw_last sw_down sw_up sw_previous sw_vel Performance Parameters Sample Player delay_random delay_ccN offset_random offset_ccN end count sync_beats sync_offset Pitch pitch_veltrack pitch_random bend_up bend_down bend_step Pitch EG pitcheg_delay pitcheg_start pitcheg_attack pitcheg_hold pitcheg_decay pitcheg_sustain pitcheg_release pitcheg_depth pitcheg_vel2delay pitcheg_vel2attack pitcheg_vel2hold pitcheg_vel2decay pitcheg_vel2sustain pitcheg_vel2release pitcheg_vel2depth Pitch LFO pitchlfo_delay pitchlfo_fade pitchlfo_freq pitchlfo_depth pitchlfo_depthccN pitchlfo_depthchanaft pitchlfo_depthpolyaft pitchlfo_freqccN pitchlfo_freqpolyaft Filter cutoff_ccN cutoff_chanaft cutoff_polyaft resonance fil_keytrack fil_keycenter fil_random Filter EG fileg_delay fileg_start fileg_attack fileg_hold fileg_decay fileg_sustain fileg_release fileg_depth fileg_vel2delay fileg_vel2attack fileg_vel2hold fileg_vel2decay fileg_vel2sustain fileg_vel2release fileg_vel2depth Filter LFO fillfo_delay fillfo_fade fillfo_freq fillfo_depth fillfo_depthccN fillfo_depthchanaft fillfo_depthpolyaft fillfo_freqccN fillfo_freqchanaft fillfo_freqpolyaft Amplifier width position amp_keytrack amp_keycenter amp_velcurve_1 amo_velcurve_127 amp_random output gain_ccN xfin_lokey xfin_hikey xfout_lokey xfout_hikey xf_keycurve xfin_lovel xfin_hivel xfout_lovel xfout_hivel xf_velcurve xfin_loccN xfin_hiccN xfout_loccN xfout_hiccN xf)cccurve Amplifier EG ampeg_delayccN ampeg_startccN ampeg_attackccN ampeg_holdccN ampeg_decayccN ampeg_sustainccN ampeg_releaseccN Amplifier LFO amplfo_delay amplfo_fade amplfo_freq amplfo_depth amplfo_depthccN amplfo_depthchanaft amplfo_depthpolyaft amplfo_freqccN amplfo_freqchanaft amplfo_freqpolyaft Equalizer eq1_freq eq2_freq eq3_freq eq1_freqccN eq2_freqccN eq3_freqccN eq1_vel2freq eq2_vel2freq eq3_vel2freq eq1_bw eq2_bw eq3_bw eq1_bwccN eq2_bwccN eq3_bwccN eq1_gain eq2_gain eq3_gain eq1_gainccN eq2_gainccN eq3_gainccN eq1_vel2gain eq2_vel2gain eq3_vel2gain Effects effect1 effect2