This repo includes machine learning and data mining models I implemented in Python and R.
Most of the examples are for the two machine learning courses CS5800, CN229, and two data mining courses CS6930 and GR4058 that I took.
Models implemented and demonstrated in this repo includes:
- Maximum Likelihood Estimator
- Naive Bayes (Maximum A Posterior)
- K Nearest Neighbors
- Logistic Regression
- Linear Regression (L1, L2)
- Decision Tree
- Random Forest
- Clustering: k-means, DBSCAN
- Support Vector Machine (svm)
- Perceptron
Models that are mainly used for big data mining includes:
- Apriori algorithm
- FP-tree
- Dynamic Time Warping (DTW)
- Autoregression
Fordham [CS5800] Machine Learning(
Fordham CS6930
Stanford CN229: Machine Learning, Youtube
Stanford Statistical Learning
Stanford CS246: Mining Massive Dataset, Youtube
CMU 15781 - Tom Mitchell Machine Learning
CMU 10701 Introduction to Machine Learning
CMU CS-589 Topics in Machine Learning Theory
Columbia COMS4771 Machine Learning
Columbia W4995 Applied Machine Learning
NYU/Bloomberg Machine Learning, Video
Google ML Crash Course
Andrew Ng Machine Learning Yearning