Topic: Company-mode and auto-completion Cask and macro/use-package
(use-package exec-path-from-shell
:ensure t
:if (and (eq system-type 'darwin) (display-graphic-p))
(when (string-match-p "/zsh$" (getenv "SHELL"))
;; Use a non-interactive login shell. A login shell, because my
;; environment variables are mostly set in `.zprofile'.
(setq exec-path-from-shell-arguments '("-l")))
;; (use-package monokai-theme
;; :ensure t)
- backend for the completion sources and front end to display the candidates
- C-h v company-backends
- try company-file and company-ispell, M-x
- C-h C-f to view the backend implementation
- Python anaconda-mode not works
- some backend require build with a server-client architecture: company-anaconda, company-jedi, company-ycmd, company-tern etc
- At first, you should make sure the server side is working properly and then you want to make sure you use the right backend
- how to fix anaconda on Mac