A trustless bridge between Polkadot and Ethereum. For documentation, visit https://docs.snowbridge.network.
Polkadot parachain and our pallets. See parachain/README.md.
Off-chain relayer services for relaying messages between Polkadot and Ethereum. See relayer/README.md
Ethereum contracts and unit tests. See core/packages/contracts/README.md
This component includes our end to end tests, that pull together all the above services and set them up easily through scripts for automated E2E tests. See core/packages/test/README.md.
We use the Nix package manager to provide a reproducible and maintainable developer environment.
After installing nix Nix, enable flakes:
mkdir -p ~/.config/nix
echo 'experimental-features = nix-command flakes' >> ~/.config/nix/nix.conf
(if you don't want to use flakes, you can instead pass the flag --experimental-features nix-command flakes
to nix, eg.
nix --experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' develop
Then activate a developer shell in the root of our repo, where flake.nix
is located:
nix develop
To ensure your code editor (such as VS Code) can execute tools in the nix shell, startup your editor within the interactive shell.
Example for VS Code:
nix develop
code .
The developer shell is bash by default. To preserve your existing shell:
nix develop --command $SHELL
To automatically enter the developer shell whenever you open the project, install
and use the template .envrc
cp .envrc.example .envrc
direnv allow
The security policy and procedures can be found in SECURITY.md.