Bootstrap Digital Ocean droplets using Ansible to:
- Configure SSH key
- Launch a droplet
- Configure DNS domain
- Destroy droplet
Inspired by hostmaster/ansible-digitalocean-bootstrap.
- Install ansible [Ubuntu]
- sudo apt-get install python-pip
- sudo pip install ansible dopy
- Install ansible [OSX homebrew]
- brew install python-pip
- pip install ansible dopy
- Make sure your python path is configured correctly.
for example when using OSX homebrew
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Copy vars.yml.dist to vars.yml and change the variables to your need.
Create the default hosts file (optional):
sudo echo "localhost ansible_connection=local" > /etc/ansible/hosts
Create a new API key on the API access page.
Only API v1 is supported currently by Ansible.
Add the client_id and api_key to vars.yml
Launch and provision a new server on Digital Ocean.
ansible-playbook launch.yml
- configure swap file
- install ufw, fail2ban
- configure ufw allow ports for SSH
- make sshd more secure:
- PermitRootLogin=no
- PasswordAuthentication=no
- AllowGroups=sudo
- config sudoers
Destroys a server on Digital Ocean.
ansible-playbook destroy.yml