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Verificarlo v0.3.0

Build Status DOI Coverity

A tool for debugging and assessing floating point precision and reproducibility.

Using Verificarlo through its Docker image

A docker image is available at This image uses the latest git master version of Verificarlo and includes support for Fortran. It uses llvm-3.6.1 and gcc-4.9.

Example of usage with Monte Carlo arithmetic:

$ cat > test.c <<HERE
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
  double a = 0;
  for (int i=0; i < 10000; i++) a += 0.1;
  printf("%0.17f\n", a);
  return 0;

$ docker pull verificarlo/verificarlo
$ docker run -v "$PWD":/workdir verificarlo/verificarlo \
   verificarlo test.c -o test
$ docker run -v "$PWD":/workdir -e VFC_BACKENDS="" \
   verificarlo/verificarlo ./test
$ docker run -v "$PWD":/workdir -e VFC_BACKENDS="" \
   verificarlo/verificarlo ./test   


Please ensure that Verificarlo's dependencies are installed on your system:

  • GNU mpfr library
  • LLVM, clang and opt from 3.3 up to 9.0.1,
  • gcc from 4.9
  • For Fortran support see section Fortran support
  • python3 and NumPy
  • autotools (automake, autoconf)

Then run the following command inside verificarlo directory:

   $ ./
   $ ./configure --without-dragonegg
   $ make
   $ sudo make install

Example on x86_64 Ubuntu 14.04 release without Fortran support

For example on an x86_64 Ubuntu 14.04 release, you should use the following install procedure:

   $ sudo apt-get install libmpfr-dev clang-3.3 llvm-3.3-dev dragonegg-4.9 \
       gcc-4.9 gfortran-4.9 autoconf automake build-essential python3 python3-numpy
   $ cd verificarlo/
   $ ./
   $ ./configure \
       --with-dragonegg=/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/plugin/ \
   $ make 
   $ sudo make install

Fortran support

In the upcoming release Fortran support will be provided by flang. In the meantime, if you need Fortran support you can either use the provided docker image or follow the instructions below to install with a recent gcc.

   # Install gcc-4.9, gfortran-4.9 and llvm-3.6.1 with the following commands:
   $ sudo apt install gcc-4.9 gcc-4.9-plugin-dev g++-4.9 gfortran-4.9 libgfortran-4.9-dev
   $ wget
   $ tar xvf clang+llvm-3.6.1-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-14.04.tar.xz llvm-3.6.1
   $ export LLVM_INSTALL_PATH=$PWD/llvm-3.6.1

   # Install dragonegg
   $ git clone -b gcc-llvm-3.6 --depth=1
   $ cd DragonEgg
   $ LLVM_CONFIG=${LLVM_INSTALL_PATH}/bin/llvm-config GCC=gcc-4.9 CXX=g++-4.9 make
   $ export DRAGONEGG_PATH=$PWD/
   # Install Verificarlo
   $ cd verificarlo/
   $ ./
   $ ./configure --with-llvm=${LLVM_INSTALL_PATH} --with-dragonegg=${DRAGONEGG_PATH} CC=gcc-4.9 CXX=g++4.9
   $ make && sudo make install

Checking installation

Once installation is over, we recommend that you run the test suite to ensure verificarlo works as expected on your system.

You may need to export the path of the installed python packages. For example, for a global install, this would resemble (edit for your installed Python version):

	$ export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/usr/local/lib/pythonXXX.XXX/site-packages

You can make the above change permanent by editing your ~/.bashrc, ~/.profile or whichever configuration file is relevant for your system.

Then you can run the test suite with,

   $ make installcheck

If you disable dragonegg support during configure, Fortran tests will be disabled and considered as passing the test.


To automatically instrument a program with Verificarlo you must compile it using the verificarlo command. First make sure that the verificarlo installation directory is in your PATH.

Then you can use the verificarlo command to compile your programs. Either modify your makefile to use verificarlo as the compiler (CC=verificarlo and FC=verificarlo) and linker (LD=verificarlo) or use the verificarlo command directly:

   $ verificarlo *.c *.f90 -o ./program

If you are trying to compile a shared library, such as those built by the Cython extension to Python, you can then also set the shared linker environment variable (LDSHARED='verificarlo -shared') to enable position-independent linking.

When invoked with the --verbose flag, verificarlo provides detailed output of the instrumentation process.

It is important to include the necessary link flags if you use extra libraries. For example, you should include -lm if you are linking against the math library and include -lstdc++ if you use functions in the standard C++ library.

Examples and Tutorial

The tests/ directory contains various examples of Verificarlo usage.

A tutorial is available.


Once your program is compiled with Verificarlo, it can be instrumented with different floating-point backends. At least one backend must be selected when running your application,

   $ verificarlo *.c -o program
   $ ./program
   program: VFC_BACKENDS is empty, at least one backend should be provided

Backends are distributed as dynamic libraries. They are loaded with the environment variable VFC_BACKENDS.

   $ VFC_BACKENDS="" ./program

Multiple backends can be loaded at the same time; they will be chained in the order of appearance in the VFC_BACKENDS variable. They must be separated with semi-colons,

   $ VFC_BACKENDS=";" ./program"

Finally backends options can be configured by passing command line arguments after each backend,

   $ VFC_BACKENDS=" --debug; \
          --precision-binary64 10 --mode rr" \ 

To suppress the messages when loading backends, export the environment variable VFC_BACKENDS_SILENT_LOAD.

   $ VFC_BACKENDS=";" ./program"

To turn loading backends messages back on, unset the environment variable.


To suppress the messages displayed by the logger, export the environment variable VFC_BACKENDS_LOGGER.

   $ export VFC_BACKENDS_LOGGER="False"

To remove the color displayed by the logger, export the environment variable VFC_BACKENDS_COLORED_LOGGER.


IEEE Backend (

The IEEE backend implements straighforward IEEE-754 arithmetic. It should have no effect on the output and behavior of your program.

The options --debug and --debug_binary enable verbose output that print every instrumented floating-point operation.

VFC_BACKENDS=" --help" ./test
test: verificarlo loaded backend
Usage: [OPTION...]

  -b, --debug-binary         enable binary debug output
  -d, --debug                enable debug output
  -n, --print-new-line       add a new line after debug ouput
  -o, --print-subnormal-normalized
                             normalize subnormal numbers
  -s, --no-backend-name      do not print backend name in debug output
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message

VFC_BACKENDS=" --debug" ./test
Info [verificarlo]: loaded backend
Info [interflop_ieee]: Decimal 1.23457e-05 - 9.87654e+12 -> -9.87654e+12
Info [interflop_ieee]: Decimal 1.23457e-05 * 9.87654e+12 -> 1.21933e+08
Info [interflop_ieee]: Decimal 1.23457e-05 / 9.87654e+12 -> 1.25e-18

VFC_BACKENDS=" --debug-binary --print-new-line" ./test
Info [verificarlo]: loaded backend
Info [interflop_ieee]: Binary 
+1.100111100100000011000001011001111111010000011 x 2^-17 - 
+1.00011111011100011111010100010000111 x 2^43 -> 
-1.00011111011100011111010100010000111 x 2^43

Info [interflop_ieee]: Binary 
+1.100111100100000011000001011001111111010000011 x 2^-17 * 
+1.00011111011100011111010100010000111 x 2^43 -> 
+1.110100010010001011111111111110000011000100100110111 x 2^26

Info [interflop_ieee]: Binary 
+1.100111100100000011000001011001111111010000011 x 2^-17 / 
+1.00011111011100011111010100010000111 x 2^43 -> 
+1.0111000011101111100001010101101010010010111010010101 x 2^-60

MCA Backend (

The MCA backends implements Montecarlo Arithmetic. It uses quad type to compute MCA operations on doubles and double type to compute MCA operations on floats. It is much faster than the legacy MCA-MPFR backend.

VFC_BACKENDS=" --help" ./test
test: verificarlo loaded backend
Usage: [OPTION...] 

  -m, --mode=MODE            select MCA mode among {ieee, mca, pb, rr}
                             select precision for binary32 (PRECISION >= 0)
                             select precision for binary64 (PRECISION >= 0)
  -d, --daz                  denormals-are-zero: sets denormals inputs to zero
  -f, --ftz                  flush-to-zero: sets denormal output to zero
  -s, --seed=SEED            fix the random generator seed
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message

Two options control the behavior of the MCA backend.

The option --mode=MODE controls the arithmetic error mode. It accepts the following case insensitive values:

  • mca: (default mode) Montecarlo Arithmetic with inbound and outbound errors
  • ieee: the program uses standard IEEE arithmetic, no errors are introduced
  • pb: Precision Bounding inbound errors only
  • rr: Random Rounding outbound errors only

The option --precision-binary64=PRECISION controls the virtual precision used for the floating point operations in double precision (respectively for single precision with --precision-binary32) It accepts an integer value that represents the virtual precision at which MCA operations are performed. Its default value is 53 for binary64 and 24 for binary32. A precise definition of the virtual precision is given here.

One should note when using the QUAD backend, that the round operations during MCA computation always use round-to-zero mode.

In Random Round mode, the exact operations in given virtual precision are preserved.

The options --daz and --ftz flush subnormal numbers to 0. The --daz (Denormals-Are-Zero) flush subnormal inputs to 0. The --ftz (Flush-To-Zero) flush subnormal output to 0.

   $ VFC_BACKENDS=" --mode=ieee" ./test
   $ 0x0.fffffep-126 +0x1.000000p-149 = 0x1.000000p-126
   $ VFC_BACKENDS=" --mode=ieee --daz" ./test
   $ 0x0.fffffep-126 +0x1.000000p-149 = 0x0
   $ VFC_BACKENDS=" --mode=ieee --ftz" ./test
   $ 0x0.fffffep-126 +0x1.000000p-149 = 0x1.000000p-126

The option --seed fixes the random generator seed. It should not generally be used except if one to reproduce a particular MCA trace.

MCA-MPFR Backend (

The MCA-MPFR backends is an alternative and slower implementation of Montecarlo Arithmetic. It uses the GNU multiple precision library to compute MCA operations. It is heavily based on mcalib MPFR backend.

MCA-MPFR backend accepts the same options than the MCA backend.

Bitmask Backend (

The Bitmask backend implements a fast first order model of noise. It relies on bitmask operations to achieve low overhead. Unlike MCA backends, the introduced noise is biased, which means that the expected value of the noise is not equal to 0 as explained in Chatelain's thesis, section 2.3.2.

VFC_BACKENDS=" --help" ./test
test: verificarlo loaded backend
Usage: [OPTION...] 

  -m, --mode=MODE            select BITMASK mode among {ieee, full, ib, ob}
  -o, --operator=OPERATOR    select BITMASK operator among {zero, one, rand}
                             select precision for binary32 (PRECISION > 0)
                             select precision for binary64 (PRECISION > 0)
  -d, --daz                  denormals-are-zero: sets denormals inputs to zero
  -f, --ftz                  flush-to-zero: sets denormal output to zero
  -s, --seed=SEED            fix the random generator seed
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message

Three options control the behavior of the Bitmask backend.

The option --mode=MODE controls the arithmetic error mode. It accepts the following case insensitive values:

  • ieee: the program uses the standard IEEE arithmetic, no errors are introduced
  • ib: InBound precision errors only
  • ob: OutBound precision errors only (default mode)
  • full: InBound and OutBound modes combine

The option --operator=OPERATOR controls the bitmask operator to apply. It accepts the following case insensitive values:

  • zero: sets the last t bits of the mantissa to 0
  • one: sets the last t bits of the mantissa to 1
  • rand: applies a XOR of random bits to the last t bits of the mantissa (default mode)

Modes zero and one are deterministic and require only one execution. The rand mode is random and must be used like mca backends.

The option --precision-binary64=PRECISION controls the virtual precision used for the floating point operations in double precision (respectively for single precision with --precision-binary32) It accepts an integer value that represents the virtual precision at which MCA operations are performed. Its default value is 53 for binary64 and 24 for binary32. For the Bitmask backend, the virtual precision corresponds to the number of preserved bits in the mantissa.

The option --seed fixes the random generator seed. It should not generally be used except to reproduce a particular Bitmask trace.

Cancellation Backend (

The Cancellation backend implements an automatic cancellation detector at runtime. It is founded on difference in exponents to detect cancellation faster than in other backend. If a cancellation is detected then the backend applies noise on the cancelled part with the model of noise from the MCA backend. The backend additional cost of runtime time is constant and predetermined for each operation performed.

Info [verificarlo]: loaded backend
Usage: [OPTION...] 

  -s, --seed=SEED            Fix the random generator seed
  -t, --tolerance=TOLERANCE  Select tolerance (TOLERANCE >= 0)
  -w, --warning=WARNING      Enable warning for cancellations
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message

Three options control the behavior of the Cancellation backend.

The option --tolerance sets the tolerance within the backend will trigger a cancellation. By default tolerance is set to 1.

The option --warning warns on the standard output stream when a cancellation is triggered by the backend.

The option --seed fixes the random generator seed. It should not generally be used except if one to reproduce a particular MCA trace.

Finally the user should know that this backend is still experimental and in developpement.

Verificarlo inclusion / exclusion options

If you only wish to instrument a specific function in your program, use the --function option:

   $ verificarlo *.c -o ./program --function=specificfunction

For more complex scenarios, a white-list / black-list mechanism is also available through the options --include-file INCLUSION-FILE and --exclude-file EXCLUSION-FILE.

INCLUSION-FILE and EXCLUSION-FILE are files specifying which modules and functions should be included or excluded from Verificarlo instrumentation. Each line has a module name followed by a function name. Both the module or function name can be replaced by the wildcard *. Empty lines or lines starting with # are ignored.

# include.txt
# this inclusion file will instrument f1 in main.c and util.c, and instrument
# f2 in util.c everything else will be excluded.
main f1
util f1
util f2

# exclude.txt
# this exclusion file will exclude f3 from all modules and all functions in
# module3.c
* f3
module3 *

Inclusion and exclusion files can be used together, in that case inclusion takes precedence over inclusion.


The postprocessing/ directory contains postprocessing tools to compute floating point accuracy information from a set of verificarlo generated outputs.

For now we only have a VTK postprocessing tool which takes multiple VTK outputs generated with verificarlo and generates a single VTK set of files that is enriched with accuracy information for each floating point DataArray.

For more information about, please use the online help:

$ postprocess/ --help

Pinpointing errors with Delta-Debug

Delta-Debug (DD) is a generic bug-reduction method that allows to efficiently find a minimal set of conditions that trigger a bug. In this case, we are going to consider the set of floating-point instructions in the program. We are using DD to find a minimal set of instructions responsible for the possible output instabilities and numerical bugs.

By testing instruction sub-sets and their complement, DD is able to find smaller failing sets step by step. DD stops when it finds a failing set where it cannot remove any instruction. We call such a minimal set ddmin. The Delta-Debug implementation for stochastic arithmetic we use here has been developed in the verrou project.

To use delta-debug, we need to write two scripts:

  • A first script ddRun <output_dir>, is responsible for running the program and writing its output inside the <output_dir> folder.

  • A second script ddCmp <reference_dir> <current_dir>, takes as parameter two folders including respectively the outputs from a reference run and from the current run. The ddCmp script must return success when the deviation between the two runs is acceptable, and fail if the deviation is unacceptable.

To decide if a given set is unstable, DD will repeat the experiment by running the program five times (the number of times can be changed by setting the environment variable INTERFLOP_DD_NRUNS).

ddRun and ddCmp depend on the user's application and the error tolerance of the application domain; therefore it is hard to provide a generic script that fits all cases. That is why we require the user to manually write these scripts. Once the scripts are written, the Delta-Debug session is launched using the following command:

$ VFC_BACKENDS=" -p 53 -m mca" vfc_ddebug ddRun ddCmp

The VFC_BACKENDS variable selects the noise model among the available backends. Delta-debug can be used with any backend that simulates numerical noise (mca, mca_mpfr, cancellation, bitmask, ...) . Here as an example, we use the MCA backend with a precision of 53 in full mca mode. vfc_ddebug is the delta-debug orchestration script.

vfc_ddebug will test instruction sub-sets. Each time an irreductible ddmin set is found it is signaled to the user and asigned a number ddmin0, ddmin1, ...., ddminX. The faulty instructions of ddminX set are stored in the dd.line/ddminX/dd.line.include (these are the instructions that were instrumented with the noise backend during the run).

The union of the "culprit" instructions can also be found in dd.line/rddmin-cmp/dd.line.exclude.

A full example demonstrating delta-debug usage can be found in the tutorial and in the tests/test_ddebug_archimedes.

As an example, in the test_ddebug_archimedes, two ddmin sets are found:

$ cat dd.line/ddmin0/dd.line.include
0x000000000040136c: archimedes at archimedes.c:16
$ cat dd.line/ddmin1/dd.line.include
0x0000000000401399: archimedes at archimedes.c:17

indicating that the two instructions at lines archimedes.c:16 and archimedes.c:17 are responsible for the numerical instability. The first number indicates the exact assembly instruction address.

It is possible to highlight faulty instructions inside your code editor by using a script such as tests/test_ddebug_archimedes/, which returns a quickfix compatible output with the union of ddmin instructions.

Unstable branch detection

It is possible to use Verificarlo to detect branches that are unstable due to numerical errors. To detect unstable branches we rely on llvm-cov coverage reports. To activate coverage mode in verificarlo, you should use the --coverage flag.

This is demonstrated in tests/test_unstable_branches/; the idea first introduced by verrou, is to compare coverage reports between multiple IEEE executions and multiple MCA executions.

Branches that are unstable only under MCA noise, are identified as numerically unstable.

Branch instrumentation

Verificarlo can instrument floating point comparison operations. By default, comparison operations are not instrumented and default backends do not make use of this feature. If your backend requires instrumenting floating point comparisons, you must call verificarlo with the --inst-fcmp flag.

How to cite Verificarlo

If you use Verificarlo in your research, please cite the following paper:

author    = {Christophe Denis and
             Pablo de Oliveira Castro and
             Eric Petit},
title     = {Verificarlo: Checking Floating Point Accuracy through Monte Carlo
booktitle = {23nd {IEEE} Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, {ARITH} 2016, Silicon
             Valley, CA, USA, July 10-13, 2016},
pages     = {55--62},
year      = {2016},
url       = {},
doi       = {10.1109/ARITH.2016.31},

A preprint is available at

Thanks !

Discussion Group

For questions, feedbacks or discussions about Verificarlo you can join our group at,!forum/verificarlo


Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Verificarlo Contributors

Copyright (c) 2018 Universite de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines

Copyright (c) 2015 Universite de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines CMLA, Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan

Verificarlo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Verificarlo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Verificarlo. If not, see


No packages published


  • C 44.2%
  • Python 29.6%
  • C++ 8.0%
  • Shell 7.1%
  • Fortran 4.8%
  • M4 2.5%
  • Other 3.8%