Table of Contents
1. Summary
2. Main Files and Jupyter Notebooks
3. Data
4. Sample Results
This flooding model of Lower Manhattan was developed after this area experienced extreme flooding and devastation from Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Using historical trends of hurricanes in the area, elevation data and surface roughness, these files generate the extent of following throughout Lower Manhattan (south of 34th Street). The model also considers the increasing severity of storms and flooding due to climate change and projected sea level rise by 2050 and 2100. Code modelling the flooding of the subway system is avaiable upon request.
The order to run the data to generate flood heights is Surface Volume CSV Processor.ipynb, Flood_Estimate.ipynb, then Flood Height to Raster Processor.ipynb. All the data needed to run each notebook without running the previous notebooks are already included in the Data and Sample_Output folders..
To preprocess data for the Flood_Estimate code, Surface Volume CSV Processor should be run first to generate the surface volume csv files.
Surface Volume CSV Processor.ipynb | This code generates Surface Volume .csv files that are used in the Flood Estimate code, taking digital elevation model files (.TIFF) of the LMN’s division. The resulting .csv files contain the volume of water above the surface of the DEM at different heights in increments of 0.25m between 0-3m and in increments of 0.5m from 3.5-6.5m. Note, the user must have arcpy installed on their device for this code to run. |
The main code in this repository is Flood_Estimate.ipynb, which generates flood height csv files that can be used to calculate damage.
Flood_Estimate.ipynb | This code produces flood heights for given storm parameters. The code calculates surface volume functions that can relate the volume of water to the flood height at a given division. Using Manning's equation, it takes topographic data and storm parameter data to find the velocity and subsequently the volume of the water. These flood volumes are then redistributed by propagating to the nearby divisions, and the final flood heights for each division are determined. |
Finally, run Flood Height to Raster Processor to post process the flood heights and create a raster visualization of the flooding.
Flood Height to Raster Processor.ipynb | To visualize the flood height results from Flood_Estimate.ipynb, this code processes the csv data into raster data (.TIFF). These .TIFF files can be inputted into ArcGIS to create a map of the area and corresponding flooding (see image above). Note, the user must have arcpy installed on their device for this code to run. |
This folder includes files needed to run the Flood Estimate.ipynb
LM_div18 | DEM files for Lower Manhattan divided into 18 divisions |
LM_div18_grouped | DEM files grouped with the two divisions adjacent |
NewSurfaceVolume | Surface volume csv files generated from the Surface Volume CSV Processor |
Surge_Data | Storm parameters to calculate storm surge |
BigU_LES_all.csv | Numbered segments of coastline corresponding to BigU placement |
LMN_Roughness.csv | Surface roughness of Lower Manhattan |
LMN_Slope.csv | Ground slope of Lower Manhattan |
LMN_div_low19.csv | Adjusted division elevation for Lower Manhattan |
This folder contains sample output files produced by running the notebooks in the repository.
single_storm_flood_heights_*.csv | flood heights generated by single runs of Flood_Estimate.ipynb for cold and warm storms under unprotected and BigU conditions |
multiple_flood_heights_*.csv | flood heights for multiple storms generated by Flood_Estimate_Multiple_Storms.ipynb for cold and warm storms under unprotected and BigU conditions |
Flood_Rasters_* folders | raster files created by Flood Height to Raster Processor.ipynb showing locations of inundation |