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Auxiliary APIs

ylemkimon edited this page Oct 24, 2017 · 1 revision

A few additional objects beyond the main editor are documented here:

  • MathYlemDoc found in build/mathylem_doc.min.js: For manipulating standalone documents. For example, if you have an XML string and want to load it as a MathYlem document, convert it to LaTeX, or run an XPath query on it, this class has that functionality.

  • MathYlemRender found in build/mathylem_render.min.js: For rendering documents found on the page.



  • new MathYlemDoc(doc): Takes an XML string doc and creates a MathYlem document from it.

    • doc is a string which should be valid MathYlem XML.

Instance methods

  • get_content(format): Return the content of the document.

    • format is a string--either "latex", "text", or "xml". Determines the format of in which to return the content.
  • set_content(xml_data): Sets the content of the document.

    • xml_data is a string which should be valid MathYlem XML.
  • xpath_node(xpath): Returns the first node matching the given xpath expression.

    • xpath: A string containing XPath.
  • xpath_list(xpath): Returns an iterator over all nodes matching the given XPath expression.

    • xpath: A string containing XPath.
  • get_symbols(groups): Returns a list of all string types of symbols involved in any of the groups in groups.

    • groups is either empty (in which case all symbol types will be returned) or an array of string names of groups whose symbol types should be included.
  • root(): Returns an Element object for the root node of the document.


Static methods

  • MathYlemRender.render_all(): Renders all MathYlem XML documents found on the page. These should be placed in script tags with type="mathylem_xml" in the source before this function is called.

    For example if the page has

    <script type="mathylem_xml"><m><e>x+1</e></m></script>

    Then a call to MathYlemRender.render_all() will replace this element with a span containing the renered equation.

  • MathYlemRender.render(doc, target_id): Render the provided XML document in the element #target_id.

    • doc: A string representing the XML document to be rendered

    • target_id: The ID of an element on the page into which the rendered content should be placed.

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