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Nuxt Core Template

This project is a template, for quickly getting started on your new project. When creating the template, many requests from businesses were taken into account, and the convenience of development.


Thus, the following plugins are now configured and supported:

  1. DotEnv files in environments folder supported stage with balanced setting: local, dev, stage, prod
  2. Typescript 5 + Vue 3 + Nuxt 3
  3. Eslint, Stylelint (without lint-staged)
  4. SCSS
  5. Consola - To wrap the logs
  6. Mitt - Global emitter
  7. VueUse - for support function
  8. Lodash-es - for data manipulation
  9. VeeValidate with yup - data validation and scheme organizer
  10. and more Vue / Nuxt modules - Vue Router, Pinia, I18n, etc..

Special modifications

  1. A <ui-icon> component has been created that covers the functionality of nuxt-icon. There is also a module written for it that scans the ~~/assets/icon folder and generates a types based on the files. Adds hints to the icon name when using the component
  2. A <core-scope> is a "god" component, it avoids duplication of initialization code and is a repository of the necessary components throughout the application.
  3. Plugin 1.initialization.ts - initialization you're app here - validate token, request the site configuration, etc.
  4. Plugin 2.eventBus.ts - wrapper over the mitt package for convenient use
  5. A app/api api folder support auto-imports a.k.a composable, for details see homepage


  1. Architecture - For a quick start, the project philosophy is described, which you can change
  2. Stylesheets - For a quick start, the philosophy of styles is described. SCSS is included


You can view the Node.js version in .nvmrc

nvm i && nvm use
cp ./environments/local.env .env

Dev Mode

npm run dev

Build and start server

npm run build && node .output/server/index.mjs

SSG mode and start server

nuxi generate && npx serve .output/public