To be a real graphics programmer, I need to understand OpenGL really well. This repo will help me track where I left.
Made some progress with basic stuff.
With playing materials
Different textures for diffuse, specular and emissive properties have been implemented in shader and application. with time uniform, green emission is animated.
Later that day, I was able to implement directional, point and spot lights
As in the tutorial
- there is one directional light
- one flashligt
- 4 point lights having different colors
Model and mesh classes implemented using Assimp library. I can load models and apply glsl shaders and use it with my point lights, directional light and flashlight.
Now, I guess I need to dive in some advanced stuff in OpenGL. At least tutorial says that :D
Before diving into advanced stuff, I saw that I have to learn how to add new models instead of the modified one in the tutorial. New scene contains;
- davy jones => Batuhan13 (
- backpack => Berk Gedik (
- bristleback => Nikolay_Tsys (
- sponza scene => kevin.kayu (
I started learning depth buffers and rendered the previous scene with linearizing z values of frag coordinates which is recorded by opengl itself
I had a lot of things to do. Meanwhile, I changed my job. Now I'm a TA at my university which means I've a lot more time to learn. I'm a bit late but back in track. I'm not giving up learning opengl. This time, I've handled stencil buffers!
I spent some time refactoring my code. In order to track the lessons I follow better, I started storing code and data that is specific lessons separately so I can plug in any of them if I want.
This time, I have learnt how to do blending.
This time, I've studied face culling part in LearnOpenGL and finished the excercise. In this exervise, I re-defined vertex data of the cube specifying each triangle in clockwise order and rendered the scene with clockwise triangles set as the front faces.
It looks like how we see inside of buildings and rooms in games like sims :D
Now I have learnt how to create framebuffers and apply post processing to them.
Like applying edge detection;
Or Gaussian Blur;
I have finished skyboxes and environment mapping parts and understood how they are done.
I was trying to understand uniform buffer objects last couple of days. After finishing them, I started learning geometry shaders. I now understood how they work and how to visualize normals of a surface using geometry shaders.
I have learnt instancing today. I've understood that it is used for minimizing draw calls because giving commands to GPU is costly. Using this technique, we can render over 100000
asteroids with reasonable framerate.
I used to now a couple of things about Phong and Blinn-Phong Shading from my intro to graphics and advanced ray tracing courses. But this time, I have learnt how to implement them with shaders and opengl. I have understood their differences better.
I was dealing with shadow mapping techniques and right after learning them, I dived into normal and parallax mapping. I have implemented both of them and also added self shadowing to parallax mapping