Web application that will help you to choose which book to read next. Can be used for books clubs or by planing lesssons.
To use the application visit a website.
Login is availiable with Facebook and Twitter. The application will use only your email and likes and will not post any messeges.
To make new list choose the button make list, then press add book and fill all the required fields. After adding all the books press done. You will get your unique room name, that will be used to vite for books in your list.
To vote for books press the button get list. You will see the books one by one, all you need to do is to like or dislike. Voting is privat.
Results are represented as a rating page, where all books are sorted by number of likes. The results do not give an objective assessment of the quality or format of the book, as it is only a reflection of the preferences of a particular group of people who were selected to the vote.
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.