Django-cryptocurrencies web wallet for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
Simple pluggable application inspired by django-bitcoin.
Python 3
- Multi-currency
- Celery support
- Withdraw and Deposite
- 3 types of balances: balance, unconfirmed, holded
Edit Currency model
from cc.models import Currency
currency = Currency.object.create(
label = 'Bitcoin',
ticker = 'BTC',
api_url = 'http://root:toor@localhost:8332'
Start celery worker
$ celery worker -A
Get new addresses for wallets
$ celery call cc.tasks.refill_addresses_queue
Now you can create wallets, deposite and withdraw funds
from cc.models import Wallet
wallet = Wallet.objects.create(
wallet.withdraw('mvEnyQ9b9iTA11QMHAwSVtHUrtD4CTfiDB', Decimal('0.01'))
After creating a withdraw transaction you need to run
$ celery call cc.tasks.process_withdraw_transactions
Query for new deposite transactions:
$ cc.tasks.query_transactions
If you want to catch event from bitcoind, but these calls options in bitcoin.conf file
walletnotify=~/env/bin/celery call cc.tasks.query_transaction --args='["BTC", "'%s'"]'
blocknotify=~/env/bin/celery call cc.tasks.query_transactions --args='["BTC"]'
where "BTC" - ticker (short name) of the Currency