Script to format .bib from Zotero(bibtex)
usage: [-h] [-f <file>] [-o <string>] [-m <string>]
%prog [options] -f filein -o fileout -m mode
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f <file>, --filein <file>
in file name,.gz would gzip, none|stdin|- means stdin (default: None)
-o <string>, --fileout <string>
out file name,.gz would gzip, none|stdout|- means stdout (default: None)
-m <string>, --mode <string>
abbr(get Journal Abbreviation),fig get 1st figure from PMC (default: abbr,fig)
- Step1: Collect Manuscript using Zotero along with Chrome Extension
- Option1: Zotero Plugin PMCID Fetcher could help you get PMCID quickly.
- Option2: Manual fill in Extra region of Zotero
such as
PMCID: PMC6842117 PMID: 31493975
- Option3: Other Tags(Extra region of Zotero) could be converted to links
- 'tex.' prefix were only needed in Zotero for export using Zotero Plugin zotero-better-bibtex (case insensitive). If you manually change .bib file, then no need 'tex.' (lowercase)
- Most support multiple links seperated by ';'
- 'LinkID,Name' will show 'Name' as text of link, 'LinkID' will show default as text of links (usually 'LinkID')
- tex.cofirst:
- 2 means first 2 authors equally contributed
- 2,3 means 2nd and 3rd author equally contributed
- 2;1,-1 means first 2 authors equally contributed, last author and 1st author corresponding
- 2;-2,-1 means first 2 authors equally contributed, last 2 authors corresponding
- negative corresponding max support to -5, not sure how to implement variable in jekyll liquid plus.
- tex.highlight:
- You could write short summary of paper you'd like highlight.
- Only entries with 'highlight' in .bib will be highlighted with Figure.
- If use 'none', will use first 2 and last 2 sentences of abstract.
- Examples
tex.GEOID: GSE87064,Mouse;GSE87065,CHIP tex.SRAID: PRJNA473990,Human;PRJNA473991,Mouse tex.EGAID: EGAS00001000514,Link1;EGAS00001000654 tex.Browser:,Mouse_mm9;,Human_hg19 tex.Extralinks:,STJUDE.CLOUD.workflow;,Code tex.cofirst: 2 tex.highlight: none
Step2: In Zotero, Select Entries Export better-bibtex (or bibtex) as .bib file
conda env create -f .condaenv.xml
conda activate iobuild
cd _bibliography
python ../script/ -f papers.bib -m abbr,fig
mv *.jpg *.jpg *.gif ../images/pubpic/
Used bibtexparser
Used jekyll-scholar
- Highlight template in _layouts/bib_highlight.html
- Full list template in _layouts/bib.html
- Recommend export using Zotero Plugin zotero-better-bibtex
- Using jabref Database API
- Alt: CSL Abbreviations Data
- Alt: Canismarko's API using CASSI and LTWA
cd _bibliography
python ../script/ -f papers.bib -m abbr
#Results papers.clean.bib (with abbr property) will be used (defined in _config.yml -> scholar -> bibliography)
cd _bibliography
python ../script/ -f papers.bib -m fig
#Will automactially download first figure if it have PMCID
#Results papers.clean.bib (with fig1 property)