License: MIT.
Version: 1.1.2.
Requires: jQuery 1.7+.
To use jQuery Validate you just need to include in your code a version of the jQuery library equal or more recent than 1.7
and a file with the plugin. Click here to download the plugin.
After this, you just need select your form and calling the jQuery.fn.validate
See a example:
After calling the jQuery.fn.validate
method, you can validate your fields using data attributes, that are valid to the HTML5, according to the W3C.
See a example to required field:
<input type="text" data-required />
jQuery Validate supports all fields of the HTML5 and uses WAI-ARIA for accessibility. You can use several attributes to your validations.
<th width="75px">Default</th>
<td>Accepts one or more indexes separated by spaces from the `conditional` object that should contain a the boolean return function.</td>
<td>Accepts a boolean value to specify if field is case-insensitive.</td>
<td>Accepts a mask to change the field value to the specified format. The mask should use the character groups of the regular expression passed to the <a href="">`data-pattern`</a> attribute.</td>
<td>Accepts a regular expression to test the field value.</td>
<td>Accepts a index from the `prepare` object that should contain a function to receive the field value and returns a new value treated.</td>
<td>Accepts a boolean value to specify if field is required.</td>
<td>Accepts a boolean value. If true, removes the spaces from the ends in the field value. (The field value is not changed)</td>
<td>You can use the `data-validate` to calling extensions.</td>
Attribute |
<th width="75px">Default</th>
<td>Accepts a object to store functions from validation.</td>
<td>Accepts a selector string or function to filter the validated fields.</td>
<td>A namespace used in all delegates events.</td>
<td>Accepts a boolean value. If true, triggers the validation when blur the field.</td>
<td>Accepts a boolean value. If true, triggers the validation when change the field value.</td>
<td>Accepts a boolean value. If true, triggers the validation when press any key.</td>
<td>Accepts a boolean value. If true, triggers the validation when submit the form.</td>
<td>Accepts a object to store functions to prepare the field values.</td>
<td>Accepts a boolean value. If false, prevents submit the form (Useful to submit forms via <a href="" target="_blank">AJAX</a>).</td>
<td>Accepts a boolean value. If false, disables <a href="" target="_blank">WAI-ARIA</a>.</td>
Parameter |
<td>Accepts a function to be calling when form is valid. The context (`this`) is the current verified form and the parameters are respectively `event` and `options`.</td>
<td>Accepts a function to be calling when form is invalid. The context (`this`) is the current verified form and the parameters are respectively `event` and `options`.</td>
<td>Accepts a function to be calling to each field. The context (`this`) is the current verified field and the parameters are respectively `event`, `status` and `options`.</td>
<td>Accepts a function to be calling when field is invalid. The context (`this`) is the current verified field and the parameters are respectively `event`, `status` and `options`.</td>
<td>Accepts a function to be calling when field is valid. The context (`this`) is the current verified field and the parameters are respectively `event`, `status` and `options`.</td>
Callback |
You can remove validation of a form using the jQuery.fn.validateDestroy
You can changes the default values of jQuery.fn.validate
using jQuery.validateSetup
sendForm : false,
onKeyup : true
You can create descriptions to the field states.
<input type="text" data-describedby="messages" data-description="test" />
<span id="messages"></span>
description : {
test : {
required : '<div class="error">Required</div>',
pattern : '<div class="error">Pattern</div>',
conditional : '<div class="error">Conditional</div>',
valid : '<div class="success">Valid</div>'
You can use the jQuery.validateExtend
method to extend the validations and calling the extensions with data-validate
<input type="text" name="age" data-validate="age" />
age : {
required : true,
pattern : /^[0-9]+$/,
conditional : function(value) {
return Number(value) > 17;