Data-driven workflows with Java.
- Flow context/Context - just a map with all data needed for processing.
- Data function - is everything matching Function< Map, Map >.
- Action - data function with a name.
- Flow - sequence of actions and a way of their execution and composition. Implements action.
- Selector - extension point, that is responsible for based on context data selection of concrete extension implementation. Implements action.
- Extension - action and configuration map, that helps selector implementation to match this extension. Implements action.
- Feature - responsible for registration of extensions in selectors, stores extension to selector mapping.
- Actor - performs some action upon context with provided data and then deduces result of concrete type T.
- Middleware - named BiFunction< Map< String, Object >, Function< Map, Map >, Function< Map, Map >>, where second argument is data-function to modify, first argument is any kind of meta-data about that data function and return value is modified data-function
- Method converter - converts supplied object into data function
- Data function extracter - extracts method from object as data function