This WordPress plugin adds default custom post type widgets. You can filter by registered Custom Post Type or Taxonomy on widgets.
- Download and unzip files. Or install Custom Post Type Widgets plugin using the WordPress plugin installer. In that case, skip 2.
- Upload "custom-post-type-widgets" to the "/wp-content/plugins/" directory.
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
- Adds widgets to a widget area and configure settings through the 'Widgets' menu in WordPress.
- Have fun!
IMPORTANT: By default, WordPress will not work Date-based permalinks of custom post type. Recommend that you install the plugin in order to edit the permalink, if you are using a Date-based permalinks.
And try the following: Custom Post Type Rewrite
display a list of the most recent custom posts.
- Title - description that appears over the list of recent custom posts.
- Post Type - if selected, filter by a custom post type. (e.g. post).
- Number of posts to show (at most 15) - enter the number of posts to display.
- Display post date? - if checked, display post date.
- Class Name - widget_recent_entries
display a list of archive links for each month that has custom posts.
- Title - description that appears over the list of archive links.
- Post Type - if selected, filter by a custom post type. (e.g. post).
- Display as dropdown - if checked, this box causes the archives to be displayed in a drop-down box.
- Show post counts - if checked, this box causes a count of the number of posts for each archive period.
- Class Name - widget_archive
display a list of categories that has custom posts.
- Title - description that appears over the list of categories.
- Taxonomy - if selected, filter a custom taxonomy (e.g. category).
- Display as dropdown - if checked, this box causes the categories to be displayed in a dropdown box.
- Show post counts - if checked, this box causes the count of the number of posts to display with each category.
- Show hierarchy - if checked, shows parent/child relationships in an indented manner.
- Class Name - widget_categories
display a calendar of the current month.
- Title - description that appears over the calendar.
- Post Type - if selected, filter by a custom post type. (e.g. post).
- Class Name - widget_calendar
display a list of the most recent comments.
- Title - description that appears over the list of recent comments.
- Post Type - if selected, filter by a custom post type. (e.g. post).
- Number of comments to show (at most 15) - enter the number of comments to be displayed.
- Class Name - widget_recent_comments
display a list of the top 45 that has used in a tag cloud.
- Title - description that appears over the tag cloud.
- Taxonomy - if selected, filter a custom taxonomy (e.g. post_tag).
- Show tag counts - if checked, this box causes the count of the number of tags to display with each tag.
- Class Name - widget_tag_cloud
A search form for your site.
- Title - description that appears over the search.
- Post Type - if selected, filter by a custom post type. (e.g. post).
- Class Name - widget_search
Custom Post Type Widgets has its own hooks.
- custom_post_type_widgets/archive/widget_archives_dropdown_args
- custom_post_type_widgets/archive/widget_archives_args
- custom_post_type_widgets/categories/widget_categories_dropdown_args
- custom_post_type_widgets/categories/widget_categories_args
- custom_post_type_widgets/recent_comments/widget_comments_args
- custom_post_type_widgets/recent_posts/widget_posts_args
- custom_post_type_widgets/search/filter_post_type
- custom_post_type_widgets/tag_cloud/widget_tag_cloud_args
- custom_post_type_widgets/calendar/get_custom_post_type_calendar
- custom_post_type_widgets/recent_posts/widget/before
- custom_post_type_widgets/recent_posts/widget/prepend
- custom_post_type_widgets/recent_posts/widget/append
- custom_post_type_widgets/recent_posts/widget/after
You may need to edit the permalink of custom post type.
By default, WordPress will not work Date-based permalinks of custom post type.
For example, a month link generates a link in a format like /<custom post type name>/date/YYYY/MM/
, if you set Numeric
in Common Settings in Permalink Settings.
The month link has the following two patterns depending on the Common Settings. But a link like below will not work.
/<custom post type name>/YYYY/MM/
(Day and name, Month and name, Post name)/<custom post type name>/date/YYYY/MM/
Recommend that you install the plugin in order to edit the permalink, if you are using a Date-based permalinks by the Widget.
And try the following:
Custom Post Type Rewrite
Check the setting of the hierarchical argument of the register_taxonomy function.
(boolean) (optional) Is this taxonomy hierarchical (have descendants) like categories or not hierarchical like tags.
Default: false
By hierarchical option,
If false, use "Tag Cloud (Custom Post Type)" as tags.
If true, use "Categories (Custom Post Type)" as categories.
Check the setting of the exclude_from_search argument of the register_post_type function.
'exclude_from_search' (bool) Whether to exclude posts with this post type from front end search results. Default is the opposite value of $public.
You can use the action hook custom_post_type_widgets/recent_posts/widget/prepend
to adding thumbnails.
Code sample is as follows:
function cptw_hooks_setup() {
add_action( 'custom_post_type_widgets/recent_posts/widget/prepend', 'cptw_recent_posts_prepend', 10, 4 );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'cptw_setup_hooks' );
function cptw_recent_posts_prepend( $widget_id, $posttype, $instance, $recent_post ) {
if ( has_post_thumbnail( $recent_post ) ) {
echo get_the_post_thumbnail( $recent_post );
Insert the above code into functions.php in your theme.
Custom Post Type Widgets is hosted on the WordPress Plugin Directory.
For operation compatibility between PHP version and WordPress version, see below Travis CI.
Small patches and bug reports can be submitted a issue tracker in Github. Forking on Github is another good way. You can send a pull request.
- Fork Custom Post Type Widgets from GitHub repository
- Create a feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
- Create new Pull Request
- Version 1.3.0
- edit README
- update japanese translation
- update pot
- fix test case
- imporve code with phpcs, phpmd and phpstan
- update testunit configuration
- restructure code to perform a single task
- add denying direct file access
- divide as load_textdomain function
- fix composer.json
- change calendar widget markup
- add hook custom_post_type_widgets/calendar/get_custom_post_type_calendar
- fix get_custom_post_type_calendar method
- change to call method directly instead of via hook in the calendar widget
- Version 1.2.1
- replace from id attribute to calss attribute in the calendar
- add any matching value as all types
- Version 1.2.0
- change Requires at least version 4.0
- [Calendar widget] cache the calendar
- improve filter hooks and action hooks
- fix test case
- refactoring
- add customize_selective_refresh
- fix phpcs.ruleset.xml
- replace from strip_tags to wp_strip_all_tags
- replace from _e to esc_html_e
- add PHPDoc
- fix header
- add,
- fix indent and reformat with phpcs and phpcbf
- add composer.json for test
- add static code analysis config
- Version 1.1.3
- change Requires at least version 3.7
- fix add_action
- add sanitize
- add tests
- Version 1.1.2
- [Categories widget] change value_field of the cat_args from name to slug
- limit the scope of the filter hook
- [Search widget] rename the name of the filter hook
- fix the initial value of the posttype, the archive_name and the taxonomy
- Version 1.1.1
- [Search widget] add apply_filters 'WP_Custom_Post_Type_Widgets_Search_filter_post_type'
- [Search widget] improve function 'query_search_filter_only_post_type'
- [Search widget] change to add_action 'pre_get_posts' run only on the front-end page
- Version 1.1.0
- [Comments widgets, Search widgets] add 'All' to posttype option
- refactoring
- add Custom Post Type Search widget
- Version 1.0.4
- fix cache key of Custom Post Type Calendar widget
- support for custom post type slugs
- add german translation
- Version 1.0.3
- add italian translation
- Version 1.0.2
- fix $cat_args['show_option_none']
- Version 1.0.1
- fix the 'name' param of get_terms()
- Version 1.0.0
- Initial release
- 1.2.0
- Requires at least version 4.0 of the WordPress
- 1.1.3
- Requires at least version 3.7 of the WordPress
Licensed under GPLv2.