Check original README of vscode-which-key first
Adds TMUX-like keybindings (your need to create "whichkeytmux.bindings":
and whichkeytmux.transient
in settings.json
You can add quick open delay with apc extension:
"apc.stylesheet": {
"": "transition: opacity steps(1) .4s, display 0s allow-discrete; @starting-style {opacity: 0;}}"
It's also better to disable tabs in editor groups, close your explorer view, and just use ⌘+P
or Harpoon-like extension for tab management:
"workbench.editor.showTabs": "single",
"workbench.editor.limit.enabled": true,
"workbench.editor.limit.perEditorGroup": true,
"workbench.editor.limit.value": 1,
You can check my configs here (WIP):