Waypoint planner package provides the local planner nodes that dynamically plan avoidance behavior, velocity on waypoints, and so on.
node has two mode, Relay mode and Avoidance mode. You can switch these modes by enable_avoidance
- Relay mode: Not avoid planning and just publishing waypoints from self pose.
- Avoidance mode: Avoiding obstacles by Hybrid-A* search algorithm in
package with internal state transition
NOTE : If you have wayarea
in your ADAS map, it's possible to limit search area and realize more safety planning by enabling Use Wayarea
in costmap_generator
node. Please see the results in below demo videos.
Please see also: mission/packages/freespace_planner/README.md
- From Runtime Manager:
Computing -> Motion Planning -> waypoint_planner -> astar_avoid
- From CLI:
$ roslaunch waypoint_planner astar_avoid.launch
Parameters can be set in both Launch file and Runtime manager:
Parameter in RM | Parameter in Launch | Type | Description | Default |
Enable Avoidance |
enable_avoidance |
Bool | Enable avoidance mode | false |
Costmap Topic |
costmap_topic |
String | Costmap topic for Hybrid-A* search | semantics/costmap_generator/occupancy_grid |
Waypoint Velocity |
avoid_waypoints_velocity |
Double | Constant velocity on planned waypoints [km/h] | 10.0 |
Avoidance Start Velocity |
avoid_start_velocity |
Double | Self velocity for staring avoidance behavior [km/h] | 5.0 |
Replan Interval |
replan_interval |
Double | Replan interval for avoidance planning [Hz] | 2.0 |
- | safety_waypoints_size |
Int | Output waypoint size [-] | 100 |
- | update_rate |
Double | Publishing rate [Hz] | 10.0 |
- | search_waypoints_size |
Int | Range of waypoints for incremental search [-] | 50 |
- | search_waypoints_delta |
Int | Skipped waypoints for incremental search [-] | 2 |
Node [/astar_avoid]
* /safety_waypoints [autoware_msgs/Lane]
* /base_waypoints [autoware_msgs/Lane]
* /closest_waypoint [std_msgs/Int32]
* /current_pose [geometry_msgs/PoseStamped]
* /current_velocity [geometry_msgs/TwistStamped]
* /semantics/costmap_generator/occupancy_grid [nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid]
* /obstacle_waypoint [std_msgs/Int32]
* /tf [tf2_msgs/TFMessage]
* /tf_static [tf2_msgs/TFMessage]